Possible Studio 3 compiler bug
On last Friday, I had to do a remote load change in one of my projects and suddenly my Autopatch Precis 18x18 Duet module wouldn't work anymore. The project has a NI-3100 with Duet firmware v3_30_371. After multiple remote Master reboots, I had to drive to the client's house to troubleshoot the system. After a couple hours of reloading, rebooting, resetting the Autopatch, studying the code, which run fine for a year and a half, I decided to update the NI firmware to the latest v3_41_422 version. After the normal Master reboot, the Autopatch code started working again. So, I think that Studio 3 new compiler may also require the latest Master firmware to run smoothly. So be aware of this when using Netlinx Studio 3.
For the curious, the symptoms were lots of question marks (?) in the XML where one would normally expect both values and identifiers. My variable was a structure which had a few devchans in it.
Roger McLean
Swinburne University