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NI4100 master online but no webcontrol page

I have an problem and don't know if the problems with the computer web browser or NI4100 master. I can ping the master and all connected touchpanels, but can't open the webcontrol of the master. Can there be a problem with the master or computer settings?




  • Telnet to the NI4100 and type 'set HTTP port' and make sure it is set to port 80.
  • If it's the HTTP web console then after you reset the port like Flange_Gasket suggested, you may also need to run 'cleandisk' and crank the duet memory way up.

  • PhreaKPhreaK Posts: 966
    If you're using a lot of duet modules you will have to up the duet memory. The web server seems to share the duet memory allocation.
  • KouyaKouya Posts: 60
    Thanks for the input I'll be on site next week to check the settings

  • Spire_JeffSpire_Jeff Posts: 1,917
    If you have any Duet modules in the code at all, check your device online tree and see if the duet virtual devices (41000+) show up. Also, check to make sure the the cards in the 4100 show up. I have had problems with some processors on boot up getting too many messages queued from the devices during boot up and it will lock up portions of the processor. The only way to fix this is to reboot the master. If you call tech support, they can give you a solution with the queue sizes that should fix the problem. When I was having the problem, it seemed to happen maybe 1 in 10-20 reboots.

    If you are seeing the devices in the online tree, then telnet into the processor (if you can) and check the memory using the 'show mem' command. If everything looks good there, check you code for any loops that might get stuck being infinite loops.

    Hope this helps,
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