I should have indicated this is a personal request, and I'm looking for the almond set of buttons. I have submitted the same inquiry to our parts dept but thought I'd try this group too. You never know when you might find someone who installed 1000 of those panels and saved all the buttons for a rainy day.
I should have plenty of almond blanks in the box with the other colors. Maybe some of the more obscure ones too. I know I used HVAC, Lights, Audio, Intercom, Security, and Power on every panel.
If you're interested let me know. Might be a week before I get back out there.
Of course if AMX doesn't have any, I don't know if I want to give them up..
Kevin D.
I should have indicated this is a personal request, and I'm looking for the almond set of buttons. I have submitted the same inquiry to our parts dept but thought I'd try this group too. You never know when you might find someone who installed 1000 of those panels and saved all the buttons for a rainy day.
If you're interested let me know. Might be a week before I get back out there.
Kevin D.