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Global Cache GC-100-12

anyone familiar with this device using in combination with a AMX controller.
I have problems only for the IR commands,

on the AMX technical site I downloaded a sample program.
one file is used to define the IR command strings.

Can you convert standard AMX IRL files to the string set you need to send a IR command with the GC-100-12 ?

Are there convertors,


  • Hi pvs

    I have used it in many projects and I consider it a very reliable and affordable device. I normally use a learner, but I also managed (with mixed results) to convert pronto codes into their format using GC-CCF utility

    As far as the AMX *.irl files, you can convert them to pronto ccf format using the little application attached here.

    I hope this helps.
  • pvspvs Posts: 6
    I will try it out tomorrow in the office, keep you informed.

    But is the best solution to buy the IR learner from global cache ?
  • Well... that's for you to decide. If you plan to use GC more in the future, that might be a good idea.
  • mritzmritz Posts: 22
    Does anyone use the GC-100 with bidirectional rs232? The duet module available from AMX should do this, but I had no success when trying this. It?s easy to test when connecting with telnet to the first RS232 port which is 4999. When trying to send strings with the keyboard out from hyperterminal connected via RS232 to the GC-100 all the keystrokes "arrive" in the telnet window. But with connected AMX controller and using the provided duet module, nothing is received. Maybe someone can help?
  • I am using it in many bi-directional applications, and never went as far as using a module for it. You might have good reasons for using the module, but, as a step in your troubleshoting I would simpy open an IP client to that IP/port and then SEND_STRING.

    I am sure you are aware, though, that strings from an IP Client will not display in your Device Notifications in Netlinx Studio, so you will have to monitor these by passing the value to a variable or another device.
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