Sun Shines at Night with the Color Viewstat
in AMX Hardware
I am working with the new color Viewstats. They are really nice and look great. However, there is one quirk that seems to be an issue for my customers. There is no weather graphic for after sunset. Therefore, if it is a clear night, the stat displays an icon of a sun. I would think there should be a moon icon of some sort, making the display similar to most other weather sources. Showing a sun on the display at night seems rather bush league for a $25K control system!
Any thoughts?
I am working with the new color Viewstats. They are really nice and look great. However, there is one quirk that seems to be an issue for my customers. There is no weather graphic for after sunset. Therefore, if it is a clear night, the stat displays an icon of a sun. I would think there should be a moon icon of some sort, making the display similar to most other weather sources. Showing a sun on the display at night seems rather bush league for a $25K control system!
Any thoughts?
Ha! Our cleints have said the same thing. I don't think there's a way to change it either.
There is a Set_Outdoor_Temp keyword. Perhaps we need a Set_Sunup_Stat one as well.
The other oddity is that universally people will walk up to it and start tapping on it like a touch panel. I get many calls about the thing not working when they touch it.
Now if the powers that be think making these T-Stats is good for business then how about a full moon, half moon, hazy night, tstorm night or any of the other icons we can have on a TP. C'mon how about a complete product?
Amen, brother.