Duet Module Problems
I Found a "AutoPatch" Duet Module on the Inconcert Page at AMX.COM. I Loaded the included Workspace into Netlinx Studio 2.3 and tried to compile the test Code and I get the following error:
ERROR: (0): L20219: File not found: [devicesdkrt.jar] version [1.1.0]
I did a search for the file and found it in the following directory on my HD
Program Files/Common/AMXshare/Duet/bundle
That completed path is in Netlinx studio in the Netlinx Compiler options page. I cannot get this test file to compile at all.
Has anybody else run accross this problem?
ERROR: (0): L20219: File not found: [devicesdkrt.jar] version [1.1.0]
I did a search for the file and found it in the following directory on my HD
Program Files/Common/AMXshare/Duet/bundle
That completed path is in Netlinx studio in the Netlinx Compiler options page. I cannot get this test file to compile at all.
Has anybody else run accross this problem?
Not that I have found, I don't understand why it is giving me this message. The file it is looking for is in the AMXshare directory. I don't know what else to do.
I just down loaded another duet module from the Inconcert Page at AMX.com.
I found the above module in the recent additions page, and when I tried to complie it ,I recieved the same error as with the autopatch module.
So I think that the problem is related to my computer and not the modules themselves.
Has anybody else used a Duet Module and gotten this same error?
ERROR: (0): L20219: File not found: [devicesdkrt.jar] version [1.1.0]
We ran into the same error.
After calling Tech Support we've got the information, that it is necessary to download the DUET PLATFORM RUNTIME by WebUpdate v1.2.
After downloading and installing this, compiling works fine (but we still haven't tested the code itself.. ;-).