NI-3000 lost device number like 5001?
in AMX Hardware
After I do firmware upgrade toan old NI-3000(SW2105_NI_NIx000_Device_v1_13_7.kit).
After reboot , it lost device number like 5001:1:0. Have any advice?
After reboot , it lost device number like 5001:1:0. Have any advice?
Changes in this release:
@ -Note: Updating from firmware version
@ to, or vice versa, results in the
@ Device ID being changed to the dynamic range (32000+).
@ You will need to change the NI device number back to
@ the desired value after rebooting.
@ Default setting for NI Series is 5001.
You can change the device id back through Diagnostics->Device Addressing... in Netlinx Studio.
tried downgrading and love.
had to send it back to the factory to be re-flashed.
i reassign 5001 to the 32000 range (mine was 32002 the first availible anyway) and it works just fine, i thought i lost my master
thnak you, thank you, thank you!!!!
Located my "missing" NI-700 device in the virtual devices (after reboot it was in the 32000 range) - I changed the device # to 5001 and it works great! Problem solved!! Thank you!!
BTW it assigns the dynamic number because there's not a convenient way it can detect and record and restore the starting number when doing the quite significant update.