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Any Body try Cisco phone with AMX CSG-580 sip Gateway.

I try couple of days before door Phone MET-ECOM.D with MVP-8400i and I have AMX SIP Gateway CSG-580 its working fine then I try with X-lite soft phone its fine after I try to connect my office Cisco 7970 ip phone firmware (SIP70.8-5-2S). its connected with AMX SIP Gateway. Cisco phone to Cisco phone call is fine voice is good but when I call on MVP-8400i the received voice from MVP is very bad Broken voice is coming from MVP. Coming voice from Cisco phone on MVP is good. Anybody have this experience why it like that. Even I try to call from MET-ECOM.D to Cisco phone call is coming on phone. But voice is same problem like MVP going on Door phone is good but receiving voice from door phone on Cisco phone is broken.
Anybody have idea where I am doing wrong configuration.


  • I have not used that particular phone w/ the AMX gateway, but there has been a problem reported in the RTP stream from the MVPs in which the RTP timestamp is computed incorrectly. It's possible the Cisco phone doesn't handle that very well and that is the result of the poor voice quality.

    This is of course assuming that MVP <-> MVP or MVP <-> Door station calls are working fine and there isn't any wireless signal quality issues involved.

    Sorry, I don't know when the next MVP 8400 release is scheduled.
  • Thank Jtalley for information i expend lot time to solve this problem but result is zero. One thing more did you try any other brand ip phone with amx. witch is working fine with AMX system.
  • I used the Grandstream Budgetone-200 SIP phone on occasion. Mostly my testing was done w/ panel<->panel configurations. I did do some calls from the PC using Twinkle. I didn't have a mic on my PC, so it was mostly 1-way communication.
  • Cisco IP Phones (7941G, 7961G, etc.)

    Quick FYI to let you kow these phones do work with the appropriate phone firmware and provisioning
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