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"Touch to Continue" from Remote Site??


After uploading a TPD3 file to a G3 panel, it requires you to touch the screen to continue.

Does anyone know of a way to emulate the touching of the screen from a remote site? Problem is that if I do an upload and no one is on site to touch the screen, I don't think I would be able to do another upload should I have to. The system runs an NI-2000 master with two AXT-CP G3 panels.

I have not yet been in the situation where this problem could present itself, but I am trying to be prepared just in case.



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    I would not worry too much. The G3 panel's "Touch Screen to continue" message times out automatically after a few minutes and the start page (based on your selection in TPDesign 3: Panel - Panel Properties - Start Page) should appear. Don't have a system here at the moment, but I am pretty sure you could even upload again before the panel has timed out .

    You also can force things by rebooting the control system (NI2000 in your case - not a bad idea if, pending on the routines in your code, you want to ensure all feedback and especially variable text fields get updated).

    Further (if you had a more recent panel than the AXT-CP) a SEND_COMMAND 128:1:0,'RESET' from the terminal emulator may work (was added in v5.07 AXT-CA10 series firmware)
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