Help needed to connect Biamp SPM412e IR ports to AMX NI 2100 ir ports
in AMX Hardware
Can someone tell me how to connect AMX Ni 2100 ir ports(the two ir ports are +,-) to the biamp ir ports (there are 3 ports ,GND,IR2,IR3 and also a switch for Ground) or is there some other way to control the Biamp412e thru AMX
I have attached the necessary manuals.
Hope somebody can help me in this matter
Can someone tell me how to connect AMX Ni 2100 ir ports(the two ir ports are +,-) to the biamp ir ports (there are 3 ports ,GND,IR2,IR3 and also a switch for Ground) or is there some other way to control the Biamp412e thru AMX
I have attached the necessary manuals.
Hope somebody can help me in this matter