Color ViewStat issues
I have been fighting this issue for quite some time. I have a spare stat that i replaced with but same issue. All firmware is up to date. I am currently using AMX HOME as software in controller, but had same problem when using AMX module. When the stat is is standalone mode, 'not connected to master' it functions great. yet, when i hook up axlink, all data is transferring to and from panel & stat fine, but seconds after the AC kicks on, compressor then fan, the compressor kicks back off... it shows to be on, but it is not. i have even had an ac guy out here, the only thing that works is disconnecting th stat from the master, a sig series. i have a single stage heat pump, fan wire placed on G3 & set to high. anyone else run into this issue?
The module in and of itself does not really do much in the way of 'running' the thermostat. It's designed to simply report the status and monitor the levels. There is the possibility that something in the code is triggering events. Feedback channels are turned on and off during the normal operation of the T-Stat. Things like Fan On/Off , Cool, Heat, etc... all turn on channels in the virtual device for that stat.
You might check to see if some channel events in the code are mis-addressed in other parts of your code.
The fact that it works normally when unhooked from the control system points to something wrong in the code. However, in my experience, there's nothing wrong with the module.
The only problem I heard about with the thermostats is that they will lose their scheduling information if they lose power.
Do they T-Stats have commands that can set this from the control system? And conversely, do the T-Stats transmit this data back to the control system. I ask because I don't have the documentation in front of me. But, I have one site that they client does like to use the T-Stats scheduling. Otherwise I just do it from the AMX program.
tonight i have even tried my 3000 processor from the shop, same result as 3100 sig. i even re-updated firmware is sig, there is something going on that is not liked when hooking up the 8' run of AXlink, & i am using standard lutron control cable. I am using basic amx home config, however, everytime i build system, this message appears, not sure if it hurts anything but here it is...
Starting NetLinx Compile - Version[] [09-22-2009 01:13:37]
C:\AMX\Joel Home 9_18_09_a\AMX home Main Line.axs
WARNING: C:\AMX\Joel Home 9_18_09_a\AMX home Color Thermostat - Non-Duet.axi(1019): C10571: Converting type [INTEGER] to [SINTEGER]
C:\AMX\Joel Home 9_18_09_a\AMX home Main Line.axs - 0 error(s), 1 warning(s)
Compiled Code takes 2241398 bytes of memory -- Token and Variable Count is 37763 (Maximum is 100000)
Compressing Source Code Files...
Created SRC file: C:\AMX\Joel Home 9_18_09_a\AMX home Main Line.src
NetLinx Compile Complete [09-22-2009 01:13:53]
>>>>--- NetLinx Compiles: 1 Files 0 Total Error(s) 1 Total Warnings(s) ---<<<<
stat reports to panel fine, panel change reflects on stat fine, stat is just non responsive on kicking on AC while connected...
Better call tech support.