Sharp LCD RS-232 On Command
I know this was bugging me for a while so I thought I'd post this. On the larger Sharp LCD's, primarily the GD6U series the On command via RS-232 is disabled, aparently to meet energy star standards. I talked to tech support and they gave me the following method to turn off the engery star mode so that you can turn on the LCD via RS-232.
RS232C Power On Solution
1. Connect to PC with RS232.
2. Send command "RSPW0001" from PC. (Enables TV to use ON command)
3. Send command "POWR0000". => TV turn off.
4. Send command "POWR0001". => TV turn on.
And if send "RSPW0000". => Shift to "Default" can not turn on TV with RS232
The setting seems to stay set even if power is removed from the unit. I tested this on the GD6U series but I'm pretty sure it should work on the GD4U series as well. If anyone gets around to testing that I'd like to know.
RS232C Power On Solution
1. Connect to PC with RS232.
2. Send command "RSPW0001" from PC. (Enables TV to use ON command)
3. Send command "POWR0000". => TV turn off.
4. Send command "POWR0001". => TV turn on.
And if send "RSPW0000". => Shift to "Default" can not turn on TV with RS232
The setting seems to stay set even if power is removed from the unit. I tested this on the GD6U series but I'm pretty sure it should work on the GD4U series as well. If anyone gets around to testing that I'd like to know.
Funny thing is, you're the first person I've heard of that actually got someone at Sharp to fess up to admitting that command even existed. (That command, as well as the power on command, are missing from the manuals...)
- Chip
I believe the commands are actually "'POWR 0',$0D" (three spaces between R and 0) and "'POWR 1',$0D". also most sharp rs232 products use "'POWR???',$0D" to check power status (device reply = 0 for Off and 1 for On), which is undocumented sometimes... all Projectors/LCD's i have seen use this, so it's strange that all AMX Standard modules for sharp products utilize non real-time feedback.
Sharp in our market even don't know this command.
RS232 commands have mush less command, compare with IR Remote. I wonder if anyone have a full list of RS232 commands.
The same thing applies to a lot of the Sharp projectors, but those have on-screen menu selections to turn off the energy saver. For whatever reason, the LCDs do not...
- Chip
- Chip
In reply to the post in this forum i can inform you that the power command also works with the LC serie (lc-45,lc-32 and lc-37).
In the orginal protocol the command send to the sharp should be send with spaces behind the command exmp: "'POWR1 ',$0D" puts the lcd on.
The strange thing is that also the command "'POWR 1',0D" works. I have not seen it in any documentation but try'd some quiry's ending with ? and there is a feedback. examp:"'POWR? ',$0D" reply's the state of the lcd.
I hope it is usefull for you all.
When I was testing I did pull power to the unit to see if it kept the setting and it did.
Theoretically, the RSPW1 command is something that you should be able to do ONCE while you're setting all your hardware up during installation, and never have to do it again.
I suppose if you wanted to be a little anal, you could send RSPW1 just before a POWR0 command when the system/display is being turned off from the control system - but it shouldn't be necessary.
But unless this has changed in certain/newer models, the RSPW1 command CANNOT BE SENT WHILE THE DISPLAY IS OFF.
I.E., if you have a display that doesn't respond to POWR1, sending RSPW1 followed by POWR1 shouldn't work either. If it does for any display, please say as much...
Keynnyann, is there any chance that the display you're having difficulty with gets disconnected from AC for a really long period of time? I'm wondering if the memory that stores the non-volatile settings gets lost after a certain period of time after AC is cut. (So, would that make it not-so-non-volatile memory?)
- Chip
I agree with Chip Moody.
I left the display off two day's from the AC and it works very well with the power on command. Maybe it fail's if the time is longer but i haven't test that.
I can also inform you about some quiry commands:
TEXT?..........TEXT MODE
INP1?........... MODE OF INPUT1
INP5?............MODE OF INPUT5
Kenny A
This sounds exactly like a problem I'm having with a LC-37D6U. RS232 on/off works, but leave the TV sitting off for 5 minutes and then RS232 on will not work, the manual power button must be pressed and then RS232 on/off will work.
What is even weirder is that if the TV is sitting on for 5 minutes, then it will respond to RS232 off, but it will not respond to RS232 on once it is off!!
Sharp hasn't gotten back to me yet.
What should I do?
Okay, so I finally got a real person at Sharp, and they told me this is actually a known problem with this model!
After 5 minutes of inactivity on the RS232 port the device starts sending error messages in response to status queries. So because the RS232 processor doesn't know if the device is on or off, the POWR 1 command does nothing. It actually has nothing to do with the Energy Star settings.
The guy at Sharp (let's call him Greg) said that there would be a firmware update soon to correct this, and that he'd keep me posted.
Hi there,
Things becomes more clear now. I think that's the reason why i haven't any problems anymore with the LC series. We did four of them in a installation and i created a module with a status requist every second(timeline event in the comm module) to see if power is on or off. That must be the reason why the display's are working correct because the rs232 port is activated every second.