MI Series AMX module doubts
Hello every1,
Has any1 tried using the MI series AMX module.
I tried writting a program(shown below). But doesnt look its working. neither i dont find any wrong with my coding. I 'm not able to use the seek up,down functions and selecting different presets. Thankyou.
Has any1 tried using the MI series AMX module.
I tried writting a program(shown below). But doesnt look its working. neither i dont find any wrong with my coding. I 'm not able to use the seek up,down functions and selecting different presets. Thankyou.
Nevertheless, I have successfully used both the Netlinx and Duet modules, as well as raw protocol. Never smelt anything fishy...
dvTP_FF_Breakfast_AMFMTuner = 10010:10:1
CHAR TPBuffer[300]
integer nAMFMbuttons[] =
1, //Next Stn Preset
2, //Prev Stn Preset
3, //increment station
4, //decrement station
5, //seek forward
6, //seek backward
7, //Preset 1
8, //Preset 2
9, //Preset 3
10, //Preset 4
11 // switch to radio
CREATE_BUFFER dvTP_FF_Breakfast_AMFMTuner,TPBuffer
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
case 5:
case 6:
case 7:
send_command vdvMatrixAudio1, "'XCH-88.8 '"
case 8:
send_command vdvMatrixAudio1, "'XCH-92.5 '"
case 9:
send_command vdvMatrixAudio1, "'XCH-99.7 '"
case 10:
send_command vdvMatrixAudio1, "'XCH-105.8 '"
case 11:
send_command vdvMatrixAudio1, "'PASSTHRU-MSSC1,1'"
case 5:
case 6:
// Do not modify below conditional compile statement//
dvMatrixAudioSerial = 5001:2:1// Serial device...COMMENT OUT IF USING IP
#if_not_defined dvMatrixAudioSerial //
#define IP //
dvMatrixAudioIP = 0:5:0 // IP device //
#end_if //
vdvMatrixAudio1 =41001:1:1 //virtual device 1
vdvMatrixAudio2 =41001:2:1 //virtual device 2
vdvMatrixAudio3 =41001:3:1 //virtual device 3
vdvMatrixAudio4 =41001:4:1 //virtual device 4
vdvMatrixAudio5 =41001:5:1 //virtual device 5
vdvMatrixAudio6 =41001:6:1 //virtual device 6
vdvMatrixAudio7 =41001:7:1 //virtual device 7
vdvMatrixAudio8 =41001:8:1 //virtual device 8
vdvMatrixAudio9 =41001:9:1 //virtual device 9
vdvMatrixAudio10 =41001:10:1 //virtual device 10
vdvMatrixAudio11 =41001:11:1 //virtual device 11
vdvMatrixAudio12 =41001:12:1 //virtual device 12
vdvMatrixAudio13 =41001:13:1 //virtual device 13
vdvMatrixAudio14 =41001:14:1 //virtual device 14
vdvMatrixAudio15 =41001:15:1 //virtual device 15
vdvMatrixAudio16 =41001:16:1 //virtual device 16
DEFINE_MODULE 'AMX_Matrix_MiSeries_Comm_dr1_0_1' comm_code(vdvMatrixAudio1,dvMatrixAudioSerial)
Try and use port 1 and increment on the vdv device number. The Netlinks documentation is very particular about virtual devices being on port 1. Also, your 41001 device number seems to be out of the recommended range for user defined devices.
From the help file:
AMX havent told anything abt using a different virtual device no. They have used 41001. Moreover the PASS THRU comand to that virtual device is working fine. All they have incremented was the port no. and i tried port 1 and 2 which is meant for the tuner. Did you any change in the module when you used it for your project.
The different vdv's represent the different zones on the unit. So, to ramp up the volume on zone three you 'on' channel 24 of vdvMatrix_Audio3. For zone 8 you'd 'on' channel 24 of vdvMatrixAudio8. etc...
You might want to check the firmware version of the unit you have. Some of the channels you're addressing require firmware version 7 or better. You might have an older unit with older firmware.
Another thing to is are you sure you're getting connection on the serail bus? You should get feedback from the unit if you send commands to it.
I opened now the project where I used this and the devices are numbered as such (41001). I guess this might be one of the reasons these numbers are reserved...
This was I believe my first MI and subsequently went from Duet to using the Netlinx module.
How do i select a sourse. whihc variable should I use.Which variable should I use.
How do i change the source and also do functions like seek up and down selecting different presets for a tuner.
I'm using firmware version 8.04. and the model is MATRIX MI series. I'm using the correct port. The module is sending the firmware request. But the controller doesnt seems to be reply back. But i 'm getting the PASSTHRU to work. What could be the problem
DId you get the code of your working previously
Can you please share your Netlinx module with me.
You send a command to the desired output port.
This from the module documentation. It's a word doc that you should have.