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NI-4100 slow startup

Hi all,

I have a problem with a NI-4100...
After loading it with the latest firmware (3.41.422) I couldn't connect to it anymore.
I waited some time, and after a while I could connect again (few!)

Thought it was something related to the firmware update, but it keeps happening.
If I open the log-file I see an entry that says something like: "Timed out waiting for Duet"

After that, all my devices are online, and I can open up a debug window to watch variables.
I think the system is working now, but I get a bad feeling about this.

Anyone has had this before?

I have also tried to start with PRD dipswitch on, the master is not on DHCP...


  • Give it a try:
    from terminal/telnet: clean disk -f
    load firmware again
    boot with no program
    load program, reboot

    You may also check the Duet mem. 8M should be good.
  • Timed out waiting for Duet implies that something has failed with the Java side of the master firmware. The non-Java firmware (including the NetLinx Interpreter) waits until the Java firmware is up before it starts processing. If, after a certain amount of time, the Java side does not flag that it is initialized, the non-Java firmware will proceed anyway. Thus, the log. I would suggest you re-download the firmware to make sure something didn't happen during the previous download. If that still fails, telnet into the box and alter the Duet memory via "set duet memory". It doesn't matter what you set it to, all we're trying to do is force a re-generation of the Java Virtual Machines bootline which is store in a special area of flash in case it has become corrupted. If none of this works, telnet to the box and execute a "clean disk -duet" and immediately download firmware again. "clean disk -duet" wipes all of the Java firmware from the master including any Duet modules as well as your NetLinx program. What we're trying to do here is first clear all the files from the master before we load the firmware. Following a reboot, you will need to re-download your NetLinx program. If none of this works, you will probably need to call Tech Support.
  • yuriyuri Posts: 861
    i tried clean disk, didn't know there was a clean disk -duet or clean disk -f

    Thanks for the replies! I ordered a new compact flash card, just to be sure.
  • KennyKenny Posts: 209
    could it also be an incompatibility between the Netlinx SNAPI router and the version of Duet FW on the master?
    I say this because I had a perfectly running system until I upgraded the FW on the NI and then the Duet modules would no longer run until I updated the SNAPI router.
  • yuriyuri Posts: 861
    updated SNAPI also...
  • DiogoDiogo Posts: 65
    Have you downloaded the firmware with a programming? A huge programming in size? This may affected your firmware. Download a new programming with nothing more than the template .axs, (don't use reset factory under the telnet, if the firmware is crushed, he will probably crash more, I have a NI-2100 that died using this command in another time).

    Download the firmware again, download your program again. If everything is running ok and you want, you can do the reset factory command.
  • yuriyuri Posts: 861
    Diogo, good call, but it's not that big of a program.

    I used clean disk -f and reloaded the firmware, then reloaded the program and all is wel now.

  • yuriyuri Posts: 861
    Okay. After some testing it turns out the problem isn't fixed.

    I even swapped out the CF card with a brand new one, and still have the same problem, but also other problems emerge.
    Suddenly relays/io stopped working, after a reboot all is well again.

    Sending compiled source code sometimes fails and forces me to reboot the master by hand (power plug)

    I even tried sending another piece of software which is working on another 4100 and that didn't work either.
    Also I tried testing my current software on another frame (NI-3100) and it worked flawless...

    Sending this NI-4100 in for Advanced Replacement...
  • DiogoDiogo Posts: 65

    I don't know how much time your Ni-4100 is in your stock, but you also tried to download the device firmware?
  • yuriyuri Posts: 861
    Diogo wrote: »

    I don't know how much time your Ni-4100 is in your stock, but you also tried to download the device firmware?

    it already had 1.13.7, it's a brand new device (at least, brand new from AMX, i don't know how long AMX has stuff in their stock)
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