LifeSize Room 200 - Problem with serial comunication
Hi everyone,
(Sorry for my not perfect english)
I wanted to share my problem with "LifeSize Room 200".
My problem is about serial connection to a CPU Ni-2000; for the first test I use the module downloadable at Amx site but I had no type of communication with the device. After this test I tried to connect by HyperTerminal (I use Putty) directly to my pc with the same cable and same port settings and the communication was perfect, at which point I created a new project ( without module ) where initializes the door and call the command "help" but I the only string i recive was "$FF".
Do you have any suggestions for me?
(Sorry for my not perfect english)
I wanted to share my problem with "LifeSize Room 200".
My problem is about serial connection to a CPU Ni-2000; for the first test I use the module downloadable at Amx site but I had no type of communication with the device. After this test I tried to connect by HyperTerminal (I use Putty) directly to my pc with the same cable and same port settings and the communication was perfect, at which point I created a new project ( without module ) where initializes the door and call the command "help" but I the only string i recive was "$FF".
Do you have any suggestions for me?
Was your connection with your PC and Putty to the device or the NI controller? I assume it was the device. If so, were you using the exact same cable that goes from the NI master to the device? (in other words, you'd need to connect your laptop's serial connection using the same jack plugged into the NI's serial port.) If this does not work, then there's something wrong with the cable. The most common problem is having the Transmit and Recieve switched. swap pins 2 and 3 around and try again.
However, if the cable worked well with the PC, then we've got a problem with the program and/or port.
Common mistakes are not understanding how the module works with your program, not configuring your defines correctly, etc...
For this you migght want to post some code and we'll try to help.
put code in a code block quote by putting in a '' after that. Paste in your code then end it all with a ''
You have to SSH into the codec and enable the serial port for control.
From the manual....
Once connected, enter the following command to configure port 1 on LifeSize
set serial port1 -s auto -b speed
where speed is a speed available with the -b argument for this command. Refer to
the arguments for set serial portN command on page 150.
If the commands work with putty then I suspect that that you either have the Baud rate wrong or the cable is wired up with additional pins which cause problems with the multi-mode serial ports on the Master.
If you post your code as Eric says, we can see if the port is configured correctly. You'll need to check the cable yourself :-)