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G3 Firmwares Needed

Does anyone out there have the binary files for the following G3 panels. I would like to burn new chips w/eprom programmer.
-AXT-LC (PC0907)
-AXU-EL+ (the older podium style)
-AXU-CA10 (non-sofware upgradable)
or does anyone reccommend a good source to get them. It seems most dealers don't want to deal with the firmware upgrades.

I have newest v5.xx G3s in standard .BIN format for (AXT-CP, AXT-EL+, AXM-MLC, AXM-MCP) to offer for trade or if anyone needs them.



  • ANY 10.4" panel can (must) be updated by software (SoftROM / Studio).
    If you are not sure of the panel type, check serial number.
    S/N 950/951/952 are 10.4" panels.

    With the 10.4" panels, there are only differences in hardware revisions, so 2 versions of the firmware are available.

    Serial numbers
    FG950/-10/-20, FG951 are the "older" boards, last firmware is v5.01j, no more updates available (filename is 951....tsk)

    Serial numbers
    FG950-30/-40/-60, FG952 are the "newer" boards. (v5.12)
    filename is 952....tks
  • TurnipTruckTurnipTruck Posts: 1,485
    I would love a file on AXT-CV if anyone has it for G3. Let me know. Thank you!
  • annuelloannuello Posts: 294
    PC0907 firmware

    At work I've got a "spare" AXT-LC with firmware v5.02i (PC0907), which I'd like to use to upgrade my own G2 AXT-LC panels. I probably can't send you the chips, since they belong to my work, not me. I'd need some hints and tips on how to play with the eeproms though, since I've only played around with the Atmel AVR micros.

    Is there any write protection on the v5 eeproms, or can their contents be "extracted" using some eeprom reader?

    Are the original AMX eeproms write-once, or can they be over-written?

    If they are write-once, what specs should I be looking for in a replacement eeprom?

    If I have to upgrade the memory on my G2 panels, again, what specs should I be looking for?

    Finally, what would you recommend for an eeprom reader/writer and software? I'd prefer to spend as little as possible.

    Roger McLean
  • AMX Firmware Info

    Hi there, these G3/G2 panels have no special hardware to store their firmwares. They use standard 27C010 EPROMS, which can be picked up for around a buck from ebay, Internet surplus electronic stores, or new at Digikey (part #AT27C010-45PI-ND - $4.67). I have seen original AMX ROMs come on both OTP (one-time-programmable) and EPROM (uv-erasable) chips, with EPROMS being used the vast majority of the time. You can use any EPROM programmer to read & write new chips (I personally built one with the plans at www.willem.org....great programmer), but any one will do and there is nothing tricky about making these ROMs.
    If you don't have the hardware, it wouldn't be worth getting everything you need, and you might as well just buy genuine AMX ROMs for around $45-$75. I actually made a bunch of ROM sets for various panels and have a spare AXT-LC verson 5.03k I could sell you for 20 bucks shipped. If you might be interested, let me know.
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