Comparing hard coded 0 to a possibly negative SINTEGER

This is a function that wasn't working... it was returning 100 far too much of the time
You would expect a comparison (-335 > 0) to come back false. And it would, if the data types were the same. Whenever you write a number hard in code NetLinx is going to treat it like a LONG, or an SLONG if it's negative. The parameter nVAL is an SINTEGER. For some reason, when it compares nVAL (containing -335) to the LONG value 0, it compares the SINTEGER -335 (binary 1000000101001111) to the LONG 0 (binary 00000000000000000000000000000000) and decides that -335 is bigger. But when comparing the SINTEGER -335 with the SLONG -0 (binary 10000000000000000000000000000000) it decides -0 is bigger?
That's what I think is going on at least. Comparing to -0 yielding a different result than comparing to 0 is silly, but if you think about what is probably going on with data type conversion of hard coded numbers, it kind of makes sense.
Something to keep in mind when dealing with negative numbers / signed & unsigned data types. If anyone here has a more accurate explanation of what's happening that would be great.
DEFINE_FUNCTION INTEGER VOL_CONV_DB_NORMAL(SINTEGER nVAL){ INTEGER nRESULT; if(nVAL < -500) return 0; if(nVAL > 0) return 100; // returns 100 when nVAL == -335 // other stuff here doesn't get reached }This is the same function fixed
DEFINE_FUNCTION INTEGER VOL_CONV_DB_NORMAL(SINTEGER nVAL){ INTEGER nRESULT; if(nVAL < -500) return 0; if(nVAL > -0) return 100; // does NOT return 100 when nVAL == -335 // other stuff here gets reached }Notice the difference? It's tiny.
You would expect a comparison (-335 > 0) to come back false. And it would, if the data types were the same. Whenever you write a number hard in code NetLinx is going to treat it like a LONG, or an SLONG if it's negative. The parameter nVAL is an SINTEGER. For some reason, when it compares nVAL (containing -335) to the LONG value 0, it compares the SINTEGER -335 (binary 1000000101001111) to the LONG 0 (binary 00000000000000000000000000000000) and decides that -335 is bigger. But when comparing the SINTEGER -335 with the SLONG -0 (binary 10000000000000000000000000000000) it decides -0 is bigger?
That's what I think is going on at least. Comparing to -0 yielding a different result than comparing to 0 is silly, but if you think about what is probably going on with data type conversion of hard coded numbers, it kind of makes sense.
Something to keep in mind when dealing with negative numbers / signed & unsigned data types. If anyone here has a more accurate explanation of what's happening that would be great.
I could not replicate your results.
I used your function in the following way;
The results were as expected all the way through. Are you using old firmware? (Straw clutching I know, but I can't think of anything else).
Any other ideas?
if (0 > -0)
send_string 0, "'0 is greater than -0'"
else if (0 < -0)
send_string 0, "'-0 is greater than 0'"
else if (0 == -0)
send_string 0, "'-0 is equal to 0'"
send_string 0, "'If you see this then the laws of physics are broken'"
What does this print out?
(0000278276) -0 is equal to 0
Thank goodness. I can now sleep soundly.
Does that mean you want me to run the same test with Zeds?
Luckily it doesn't uh-oh us on that. A singed long holding the value 0 > a singed integer holding the value -355.
Checking if a long 0 returns uh-oh
All is well on my 2100 here.
using this: Is what I get.
Well I'm still using NS2, if that has to do with anything...
I wouldn't think so, I expect the firmware to be the more likely culprit but then again only an AMX boffin would really know.
Most likely, I'm running the latest available firmware: 3.50.430
I wonder if the processor can convert between languages? Anyone want to test the following?
changed to or to &&, reply: all you need is love