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Creating a sub-directory on a master?

I want to create a sub-directory on my ni-700 or on my cv7 panel to store weather images so that I can call them up as the conditions change. How do I do that, and then how do I actually copy those images? I was planning on doing a ^RMF to change the image on my panel.


  • 1) Click on My Computer. Type substituting the ip of your NI for the ip that I typed.

    Default user and password are 'administrator' and 'password' if asked.

    2) Click on file>new>folder.

    3) Enjoy your new folder.

    4) Open another My Computer window and navigate to your images.

    5) Drag and drop to your new folder.

    Edited to answer 2nd part of question
  • yuriyuri Posts: 861
    DEFINE_FUNCTION createDir(CHAR strDirectory[])
        LOCAL_VAR CHAR strResult[128]
        nCreateDirResult = FILE_CREATEDIR(strDirectory)
        (* IF/ELSE , because switch case didnt work with negatives *)
        IF(nCreateDirResult == 0)
    	strResult = 'Operation Succesfull'
        ELSE IF(nCreateDirResult == -4)
    	strResult = 'Invalid directory path'
        ELSE IF(nCreateDirResult == -5)
    	strResult = 'Disk I/O Error'
        ELSE IF(nCreateDirResult == -13)
    	strResult = 'Directory Exists'

    never tested it though...
    good luck!
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