DSC alrm system RS-232 ...???need Help!!!
Hi every body, I have to integrate a DSC alarm system on 3 MVP-5200i, i have a IT-100 RS-232 module from DSC, and I would like to know if anyone have ever do that before. If i can just have it on 1 panel that's not a big problem!!
I just need to arm and desarm the alarm system on the panel, i don't realy care about the feed back of the Zones.
I've see a Duet module avalable for IT-100, it is possible to translate it to a Netlinx module??There is also three other module for DSC, did any one of them work well with???
Thank's for your help!!!!
I just need to arm and desarm the alarm system on the panel, i don't realy care about the feed back of the Zones.
I've see a Duet module avalable for IT-100, it is possible to translate it to a Netlinx module??There is also three other module for DSC, did any one of them work well with???
Thank's for your help!!!!
Do you think the WAP Key protection in the TP WIFI is not enough to protect the acces to the command Arm/Desarm of the Alarm system???
This is not my suggestion to do that, it's a request from my customer, and this is my first experience in alarm system integration, that's why I'm not realy confortable with that. Would you suggest me to forget that features?
Thank's one more time!!!!
I realize you went a different direction in this case, but for information's sake, it depends on how the module is written. WAP is not secure enough to stop a determined hacker, and it depends how the security passwords are transmitted. Some alarms (Napco) are hard-coded to accept any disarm request at all, without a password via the RS-232 port. They assume it must be local (very bad assumption). The AMX module for it has it's own password, but the last implementation I saw for it was flawed, had no encryption, and reset to 1234 on every reboot. Real bad for a security system. If the DSC module is encrypted on top of the WAP, then it may be fine ... but I always think of, "what about if it glitches?" Personally, I'd rather err on the side of caution and not allow disarms, so if there are any failures at all, it can't be blamed on me! It's just too much exposure.
I know there are smart people out there but unless data between the master and TP's are in readable ascii text which doesn't seem likely since we're sending button pushes which are interpreted in the master as ascii for keypad entry I don't see it being an easy thing to do and if they can they deserve the keys to the house and a time when you won't be home. Heck, some cookies and milk left on the table would be appropriate too!
I agree, but the budget don't let me enough time to do all what I would like to do !!!
I will test the com with alarm system on an other project, to be able to use the contact and motion for lighting and more for sure!
At the beginning, my customer just want to use the panel as a DSC Keypad, so the real utility that he think about is just Arm and Desarm, but he enjoy his camera on his TV's now!!!