Dreamvision CinemaTen Pro Projector?

Has anyone had any experience with the Dreamvision CinemaTen Pro projector?
The power on/off commands via rs-232 are not working consistently. Tech support for the projector says that both AMX and "That Other" control system have problems with it, but PC control works fine all the time. I've done a SEND_COMMAND...CHARD-10, and it seems to be working fine. The problem is that the problem is intermittent. It always works before I leave the client's home, and then we get a call a few days later. Any help would be great!
The power on/off commands via rs-232 are not working consistently. Tech support for the projector says that both AMX and "That Other" control system have problems with it, but PC control works fine all the time. I've done a SEND_COMMAND...CHARD-10, and it seems to be working fine. The problem is that the problem is intermittent. It always works before I leave the client's home, and then we get a call a few days later. Any help would be great!
Normally the control works fine for 2 hour, 2 days or may be only for 2 minutes.
Right now I'm using the IR control.
Thanks for the input.
Tech support now says that I know more about the projector than they do (great, huh?). I tried using a hybrid control of RS-232 and IR (power only), but still had the problem. Are you only using IR? I need to send some discrete blanking commands that are not supported by the IR code set (or, at least I haven't found a work-around yet).
How far is the projector away from the controller? I have had simular problems with Sony's PX-30's. The projectors were very close to the 50' distance. I even tried a DA but no luck. I also same problems with a few Sanyo projectors and found that I could greatly reduce the problem by sending it a 'do nothing' command every few seconds(30 sec or so).:cool:
The cat-5 TDR's at 36'. I am using AllenTel RJ45 to DB-9 connectors on both ends. I have not tried sending a null command just to keep it occupied yet, that's a good idea. I may just have to go back to strictly IR control and "send and pray."
Another thing that I have done in a few rooms is to hook the projector to a switched AC plug(I have been using a AXB-SLD which is rated at 10 amps I think.) Then you can choose either to power the projector down after every use or just have it cycle once a day when the system is off. I completely power mine off and when it is needed I apply power to the relay, allow 15-20 secs for the power supply to and give it the RS-232 pulse to turn on. During warm up I 'pop-up' a 'system warming up' page with a count down bar graph.
P.S I was talking to another programmer and he had the same problem with a run of Sharps projector, Sharp informed him that there was a bad batch of chips on the controller board.
Thanks for the input. I've been thinking of going with a relayed power supply so I can continue using the serial control. Did Sharp take care of the chips for your friend? I have another client with the same projector and he has the same problem, just less often.
So far, the manufacturer (of my problem projector) does not have a solution. I'm going to switch to IR today and see if that works consistently with no serial control at all. I'm missing some discrete blanking commands, so I have to try to get the other hardware to compensate.
I believe that Sharp replaced the controller board for them. Since I went to the powered relay I have had no more problems(touch wood). I have tried to use IR in the pass but found it very fickle, perhaps instead of using the IR stick-on supplied by AMX you could use a IR hard wired if this projector is so equiped. Good luck.