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Netlinx Program Blackhole

I had an issue with a brand new NI-3000 frame today that I thought I'd share. I got it setup, assigned IPs to it and two touch panels and everything seemed to be working great. I started Netlinx studio and pushed my program to the 3000 along with the TP files to the two panels. All the files transfered okay (according to Netlinx Studio).

Well, I noticed that nothing seemed to be working. I enabled device notifications and saw that panels were sending data to the frame but none of the events on the frame were firing. The startup stuff hadn't run either and I didn't see my timelines polling any of the serial connections. I sent some serial commands out of the ports to the attached devices and that worked fine. I tried uploading my program again with some more detailed diagnostic messages and again nothing.

I ran the "program info" command from the terminal and got a response that indicated that no program was installed. None of my files were listed. I called AMX support and he had me update the firmware, re-seat the dip switches on the back and upload a small test program a few times. Nothing worked and in the end AMX support decided the frame was broken and setup an RMA.

Anyway, the strange part was that Netlinx Studio sent the files to the frame without incident. The panels got their files, the NI-3000 however accepted the file transfer without any sort of error and the files ended up in some sort of black hole.

Has anyone had this happen to them before? The lack of any error messages made me think that I was doing something wrong or something was misconfigured. AMX support claimed they'd yet to encounter a problem like this before.



  • I assume that you tried Program Disable - ie. did you try setting Dip #1 rebooting, unsetting Dip #1 and rebooting?

    I've found Dip Switches that needed to be set/unset a multiple times to properly engage.

    Your symptoms sound very much like a master in program disable mode, there could even be a short on the board forcing this...
  • DHawthorneDHawthorne Posts: 4,584
    I've had very similar symptoms when I ran out of drive space on the master, and the incoming program was too big to fit on the remaining space. I find it hard to credit that happening with a new master and a fresh program though ... unless it's absolutely enormous. In my case, it was too many big log files eating up the drive, and removing them fixed the problem. If I had to guess, I would think you had a bit of bad memory. Masters don't seem to do well at detecting that or complaining of it.
  • Had this happen to me... here's the thread: http://www.amxforums.com/showthread.php?t=4420

    Telneting in and doing a 'show mem' command showed non-volatile memory available, 'show log all' was showing 0 non-volatile memory on one of the lines. I don't think the unit was ever RMA'd and may even still be sitting on a shelf somewhere in our warehouse. I'll see if I can figure out what happened to our piece, but if it's under warranty you're probably best off to RMA it -- I don't think we came up with a field fix for it.

  • Yes, the unit was brand new and AMX got us a new one to replace it the next day. It did seem like the program disable dip switch was on but repeated attempts at reseating it and rebooting failed to fix the problem. Anyway, as always AMX support was top notch . . . we dropped in the new master and everything loaded up fine.

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