MVP8400 and video feeds
in AMX Hardware
OK. I realize it is Saturday and just maybe I've been working too many hours. But I swear I cannot find any information on how to connect a video source to an MVP8400 panel. Can anyone help?
I know how to define a video button in TPD4 and I'm fairly sure that an MVP8400 will support displaying of live video, but is the video hard-wired, via the docking station (wall or table-top) or is it streaming?
I could not find any drawing showing a video connector on either docking station or any information in a manual explaining how to connect a video cable or to define an IP address, if the video is streaming.
If anyone has connected a live video feed to an 8400 panel, can you provide some guidance. I don't have a physical panel or docking station handy either. I haven't had a client request this before, but I have a couple that are asking for this on upcoming jobs.
Thanks in advance.
Sheldon Samuels
IPS Resources LLC
I know how to define a video button in TPD4 and I'm fairly sure that an MVP8400 will support displaying of live video, but is the video hard-wired, via the docking station (wall or table-top) or is it streaming?
I could not find any drawing showing a video connector on either docking station or any information in a manual explaining how to connect a video cable or to define an IP address, if the video is streaming.
If anyone has connected a live video feed to an 8400 panel, can you provide some guidance. I don't have a physical panel or docking station handy either. I haven't had a client request this before, but I have a couple that are asking for this on upcoming jobs.
Thanks in advance.
Sheldon Samuels
IPS Resources LLC
The best you can do is find a motion jpeg encoder and take advantage of the DynaMo (motion dynamic image) feature.
I'll take a look at the motion JPEG as well.
Sheldon Samuels
What version of TPDesign 4 are you using? I am using TPD 2.3 Build 353 (have not upgraded to 2.4 yet) and I just opened a TPD file for an 8400 and the Video Fill option was not available in the properties (as expected). The only things that might account for the difference in your case is (1) a different version of TPD4 that allows video fill to be set either in error or in anticipation of a future capability or (2) you do not have the panel type for the project set correctly to an MVP-8400 panel.
As far as I know, motion JPEG is the only way to get video on the wireless panels. I use it primarily for security cameras but any video source that can be input into a device such as an Internet camera or video server that provides M-JPEG output can be viewed from an MVP-7500/8400 with the proper dynamic resource setup.
One of the possibilities may be that when you use TPD4 you choose the panel type with TPI4 800 x 600 resolution which you can select video input from TPI4.
Hope this help.
DHawthorne, just for clarification, the stream you are talking about must be m-jpeg?
Yes, M-JPeg for motion dynamic images at up to 15 fps.