Tandberg 6000 Camera issue
I am trying to control the cameras on a tandberg 6000 and when using the module from AMX, the camera movement is very jerky. It is nothing like the remote at all. I am controlling it through the rs-232 port on the tandberg 6000 and i was wondering if it because it doesn't process the commands as fast as the touch panel input you can get with the tandberg as an accessory?
Has anybody found a way to make the camera movement smooth because my client is not at all happy with the jerkyness.
Has anybody found a way to make the camera movement smooth because my client is not at all happy with the jerkyness.
If it is an MXP series, the problem may be that the module was writen using the first revision of the control protocol. The newest revision has new commands for camera control instead of the remote key commands. this allow you to send one string to start pan or tile and one string to stop.
Using the 6000/3000MXP codec,to move the camera you would issue the camera move command:
xcommand cameramove 1 left <cr><lf>
The movement commands are: left,right,up,down,in,out
To stop the camera:
xcommand camerahalt 1 <cr><lf>
If you have more than one camera in the system, then change the 1 to the next camera number.
- Chip