Russound ST2-XM module

Anyone used a Russound ST2-XM (firmware 4.01.00 - year 2008) and the AMX duet module V1.0.3 ?
It seems to be totally not working since the module can't even establish communication with the ST2...
Log in Studio shows:
The ST2 actually respond perfectly if I send the Hex strings straight to serial port within the Diag. menu in Studio (even with the Duet module still loaded and running).
The thing is I'm using the latest documentation from Russound to generate the hex strings myself. Things probably changed on Russound side since last AMX revision and I guess the module is not updated...
And what the module is sending above, I can't even figure what command it's supposed to be - does not match anything in Russound doc...
Anybody out there who's using this?
It seems to be totally not working since the module can't even establish communication with the ST2...
Log in Studio shows:
Line 2 (17:55:18.922):: com.amx.duet.impl.russound.st2xm.dr1_0_0.RussoundST2XM: Comm sent to serial device: F0007D00000070050204000100730009001D000117F7 Line 3 (17:55:28.943):: com.amx.duet.impl.russound.st2xm.dr1_0_0.RussoundST2XM: ERROR: No response received from device.
The ST2 actually respond perfectly if I send the Hex strings straight to serial port within the Diag. menu in Studio (even with the Duet module still loaded and running).
The thing is I'm using the latest documentation from Russound to generate the hex strings myself. Things probably changed on Russound side since last AMX revision and I guess the module is not updated...
And what the module is sending above, I can't even figure what command it's supposed to be - does not match anything in Russound doc...
Anybody out there who's using this?
How is your Duet virtual device defined? Is it between 41000 and 42000?
Thank you for answering; yes my duet Dev are 41000 and above - I actually just took the whole package provided by AMX (source + TP file), built it and load it on my NI3100.
And yes you can actually control a COM port that is controlled by a Duet module. I'm not saying you should do it because I know you should not (it was just for test purposes).
Anyway, I found a solution: do NOT use the Duet module for ST2, instead, use the Netlinx one.
File name to download is
I've just loaded the same way I did previously (AMX source + TP file) and it is just working perfectly!!
Note: If you load the .apw file just be aware that the comm module references the actual .axs source file which is not provided of course - just remember to remove the file and replace it with the .tko one.