Steaming with VLC
Anyone successful on streaming video with VLC 1.0.3 and NXT-1500VG?If so can you please give a detailed instruction?
Originally I tried to use VLC to do MJPEG transcoding but it looks like the touch panel cannot recognize the data generated by VLC(but I could use firefox and chrome to view it).
So I switched to mpeg2 via UDP and RDP by following the steps in user manual,except use VLC instead of MAX,but I still couldn't see video shown on the touch panel.
I am reading the source code of vlc now...almost getting crazy,or,is there any way to check what happens on the touch panel?
Originally I tried to use VLC to do MJPEG transcoding but it looks like the touch panel cannot recognize the data generated by VLC(but I could use firefox and chrome to view it).
So I switched to mpeg2 via UDP and RDP by following the steps in user manual,except use VLC instead of MAX,but I still couldn't see video shown on the touch panel.
I am reading the source code of vlc now...almost getting crazy,or,is there any way to check what happens on the touch panel?
But I still cannot get VLC+RTP/UDP working,I have read the white paper 'AMX Streaming Video Guide',but it makes me more confused : it mentioned the touch panel can handle RTSP,but VG series user manual only mentioned that UDP and RTP are supported and the sample is for unicast only.
So can I say currently VG series supports both unicast and multicast on UDP(mpeg2),RTP(mpeg2,mpeg4),and RTSP(+RTP)?
Will try it out...hope anyone can give any hints.Thanks!