Duet iWeather and ENV-VST-C
I am putting a system together with Color Viewstats and going to use the Duet iWeather module for the first time with them. Has anyone had success or problems with this implementation? Thanks.
I am putting a system together with Color Viewstats and going to use the Duet iWeather module for the first time with them. Has anyone had success or problems with this implementation? Thanks.
But the new module does not have the browse to other weather stations/zipcodes working yet. They did send a csv file with the current data. but that can change and, if so, not work on some stations.
You essentially have to hard-code in the home location and leave it there. this works fine for the T-Stats in that you don't want the ability to browse to other places.
One thing you'll need to do is everytime the master is rebooted (unless they have fixed this) is to send the zipcode command to the iWeather virtual - then pulse channel 208 and the send the reinit command to the hvac virtual. As far as implementation they are very straight forward. I modified the UI module quite a bit, because I want to always be able to look at all the therm at once, but that also isn't that difficult. There are a few channel differences, but the old Viewstats are very similar in function.