Mobotix camera dynamic images
Has anyone else tried to display dynamic images from the Mobotix cameras? They all load on the panel 8400i, however the refresh of the images takes FOREVER. I am not sure if there are any settings in the camera that need adjusted. I have the panels images set for both 0 and 1 refresh rate, and it didn't seem to make a difference.
Frank Krauch
MIW Integration
Frank Krauch
MIW Integration
We had a Mobotix camera in a job and experienced the same symptoms but on a CV7 and a CV5. We ended up swapping it out for a decent Axis model. The image quality and refresh were fine via a browser but we were never able to get an acceptable refresh rate out of the Mobotix on the panels.
I had a client call me yesterday to inform me he had the security company install some Mobotix D12 cameras.
Has onyoneused these recently? Am I to expect the same low refresh rate if I tie them into the MVP-8400?
Did any one of you had success with mobotix camera's dynamic images. We are using mobotix cameras as well & only get a static image at refresh rate of 0. At a refresh rate of 1 the images get refreshed after a second & it does not look nice. A decent refresh rate will be good.
What path have you used for the dynamic image. We tried following but no good.
1. cgi-bin/image.jpg
2. cgi-bin/image.jpg?camera=live
Thanks alot.