problem with wait command
Need help?
I have a problem with a wait comando on a NI700, and a Rel_230 axlink
When i run the program everthing works fine only after de wait ther is something wrong.
the last 3 comandos dont work. ( switch of Zon 1 to 3)
When i take out the wait it works fine again.
What do i wrong.
Push [vdvMIO_2, 91]//projector off
send_string vdvprojector,"$3A,$50,$4F,$57,$52,$30,$0D" //Power Projector Off
send_command vdvMIO_2,"'Page-Main'"
off[dvIO, 2]
on[vdvMIO_2, 91]
off[dvREL_230, Scherm_down]
on[dvREL_230, Scherm_up]
on[dvREL_230, Zon_richting]
on[dvREL_230, Zon_1]
on[dvREL_230, Zon_2]
on[dvREL_230, Zon_3]
wait 350 //here is the wait and the problem.
off[dvREL_230, Scherm_up]
off[dvREL_230, Zon_1]
off[dvREL_230, Zon_2]
off[dvREL_230, Zon_3]
I have a problem with a wait comando on a NI700, and a Rel_230 axlink
When i run the program everthing works fine only after de wait ther is something wrong.
the last 3 comandos dont work. ( switch of Zon 1 to 3)
When i take out the wait it works fine again.
What do i wrong.
Push [vdvMIO_2, 91]//projector off
send_string vdvprojector,"$3A,$50,$4F,$57,$52,$30,$0D" //Power Projector Off
send_command vdvMIO_2,"'Page-Main'"
off[dvIO, 2]
on[vdvMIO_2, 91]
off[dvREL_230, Scherm_down]
on[dvREL_230, Scherm_up]
on[dvREL_230, Zon_richting]
on[dvREL_230, Zon_1]
on[dvREL_230, Zon_2]
on[dvREL_230, Zon_3]
wait 350 //here is the wait and the problem.
off[dvREL_230, Scherm_up]
off[dvREL_230, Zon_1]
off[dvREL_230, Zon_2]
off[dvREL_230, Zon_3]
Try that. I am not sure why the wait would break the functionality, but this should avoid the problem.