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MVP-WDS-52 issues

Hi All,
have anyone of you had any problems with this wall docking station? We do have many issues with them. By docking an MVP5200i, it then cannot be undocked by pressing the station front button and we need to make the forced undocked procedure by unplugging the docking station power supply and press the front button while re-plugging the power supply.
We could say that it may be a station failure but in a project we faced that with 4 of them !!!!
Tha power supplies are the PSN4.4 ones and their outputs have been measured at the 13.5Vdc by sure. Also each of them supply ONLY one docking station - no other devices.

Any ideas please?



  • We often need to use 2 fingers to push the front button, pushing the left &right sides of the button. This usually works, with a short hold.

    Can you undock using the system code, ie in the setup pages or assigning a button to port0 ch27?
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