NS 3.1 cannot do device mapping
I've just upgraded to NS 3.1 in order to use the Tandberg module. However, it cannot do device mapping anymore. The previously mapped device become invalid devices and the only way to map is to use the custom device option. Is there anyway to fix this problem?
I had this issue with an earlier version, and a workaround was to close then reopen the workspace. The mapping information was only read when a workspace was opened, so any new device definitions were not available. In a later version of studio I *thought* this was fixed.
This new variation (darn mutating bugs) seems to almost never get the device information, with the rare exception of some Duet devices (41001+). For my re-certification practical I had to use the Custom mapping feature.
I've been meaning to report this bug to Tech support but have not as of yet.
I've been using custom as well. It gets the gig done and that's all I want. Just don't change your device IDs later on and you're okay.
Also resorting to custom mapping. (annoyingly enough)
Yes, also unable to map them.