Modero 17 getting stuck problem

I have Modero 17 which sometime responds very slowly or does not respond at all, even after unpluging/pluging the power. I have to switch the power a few times, and using "magic" of keeping the finger on the screen finally get the calibration done.
The problem occured in a very irregular intervals of time. Sometimes I get a few faults over a day or it may stay ok within months...
I understand that it might be a faulty panel... My other thoughts are network problems(?) But does anyone experience something similar?
Update: the firmware is the latest one.
The problem occured in a very irregular intervals of time. Sometimes I get a few faults over a day or it may stay ok within months...
I understand that it might be a faulty panel... My other thoughts are network problems(?) But does anyone experience something similar?
Update: the firmware is the latest one.
I am having similar issues with the CV-12's.
It sounds like many are having networking issues with the
ethernet panels and the NI processors.
I am hoping that AMX discovers some network bug fix that
will eliminate these problems for everyone.
In the panel log I have the following "suspicious" entries:
20: 01-01-1970 THU 00:00:47 WARN network
Error retrieving MAC information for wlan0: No such device
21: 01-01-1970 THU 00:00:47 WARN network
Error retrieving MAC information for eth1: No such device
22: 01-01-1970 THU 00:00:46 WARN setup
Could not read touch driver setting from NvRAM: Remote I/O error
I am going to run eth packet sniffer to catch anything related to the problem...
there is mention of running the ethernet on the TP at 10FullDuplex instead of Auto.
I recently installed a NXT-1700VG-VGA in a board room. The client says most mornings it doesn't respond to and they they have to cycle the power to wake it up. I also experienced this when programming it on site. It has a fixed IP address - aren't they the recommended option for AMX device addressing?
There is an AMX Tech Note regarding problems with static IP addresses on VG panels but this only affects the wireless interface for the TP. The wired network interface for the VG panels should work fine with static IP. For the wireless interface, regardless of your settings, it will attempt to DHCP an IP address and you must have a DHCP server with an available IP for the panel in order for the wired interface to work. This was supposed to be fixed in the next revision of the firmware for the touchpanel but I am not sure if the fix is in the latest revision.
If your panel is using the wired interface and is exhibiting these symptoms, it sounds like the old familiar Auto Ethernet mode setting on the touchpanel. Make sure the touchpanel is set to operate in 10Mb/Half Duplex Mode and see if this helps (assuming you are using the wired panel interface). Apparently AUTO is required when using the wireless interface. Note that auto-negotiation may not be your problem but it will be the 1st thing Tech Support asks you to change to see if it makes a difference. It has solved problems with my panels on the network (as well some Masters) on several systems.
Reese, should the other end (switch/hub port) be set to 10/half mode as well?
What about panel firmware version or it does not matter?
My understanding is that the problem is with auto-sensing speed and duplex and is unique to the AMX touchpanel and/or Master. No changes are needed to the switch/hub although there is an old Tech Note regarding a FastLink option on Cisco routers that needs to be disabled for the Netlinx gear to properly connect and stay connected. Some of these Tech Notes are pretty old and from time to time problems get fixed in new firmware releases. I know that we still had problems with some Modero panels on the firmware release prior to 2.55 and I have no reason to believe that the problem has gone away in 2.55. It was once explained that it is related to the hardware implementation of the network interface on the AMX devices. Note that sometimes it is not a problem at all - I have some Masters and touchpanels (as do a lot of others) that are set to Auto and work fine. It is a function of the AMX devices with certain hubs and switches and the auto-sensing functionality. I also tend to use a lot of wireless panels which require the AUTO setting so I don't run into the problem with touchpanels too often. I am more inclined to run into the problem with a Master but overall I tend to see the problem (and hear about the problem) with respect to touchpanels far more than Masters - that has been my experience.
Funny, JohnCharlton mentioned his 1700VG doesn't wake up, and two I just installed never sleep!
updating the thread... We found the panel freeze problem most likely relates with either faulty touch overlay or its driver. Could not find anything network related... So preparing an RMA case...