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AMX_Mobile.AXW This is a mobile device app that allows you to use your iPhone/iTouch, blackberry, or any device with a web browser to control an AMX system with this installed. You configure it in the .axi file and that will determine how the HTML file is written that the server the module created serves out. It sort of uses a little bit of AJAX to provide feedback with an HTML refresh but that was getting into an area that my brain didn't want to be in so it's limited.

This module was originally conceived of by bcirrisi who first posted this on the forums. When I finally got a chance to play with it I got a little carried away and turned it into this which I also posted earlier on the forum but now it can have a home too. Although I think an iPhone or BB app or something else would be much better which uses a direct TCP (telnet type) connection but I understand the argument that there are so many different devices and you can make apps for all of them. Now the HTML route isn't all that bad and someone w/ AJAX experience could possibly take this to the next level.

I did manage to create lighting levels on the lighting page so it does have simple possibilites (button back glow changes intensity). It could do var text and other typical TP like things but I decided to stop with a simple multi page, confgurable display keypad.

The pics show the results on a safari iPhone browser and an IE browser (I think). The iPhone does change orientation and resize and for all the browsers there's a CSS function specifically for that browser. I didn't have a BlackBerry so that needs work. Links to Blackberry info is in the module in the function.


  • mushmush Posts: 288
    G'day Vining,

    I've spent a bit of time but cannot get this to work.
    The code makes mention of a file, checkvalues.txt.
    This file is not in the supplied AXW. Is it created in the code? (I couldn't see how/where).


  • viningvining Posts: 4,368
    I'm out of town right now but I'll take a look when I get back. I haven't really used it since I made the modifications and I really don't remember much about it.
  • viningvining Posts: 4,368
    I would change thes lines in define_start. Take out the and change it to cWebURL_IP like I did below. That never should have been left like that since you should only ever need to change values in the .axi.
    cWebURLPathReFresh = "'http://',cWebURL_IP,'/checkvalues.txt'" ; 
    cWebURLPathHome = "'http://',cWebURL_IP,'/buttons.html'" ; 
    I'm still with out access to a master running this code so I can't do any testing but out of curiosity are you running this on port 80? If so did you change the master's http port to something else? They both can't be 80. You could run this on any alternate unused port and the type [url]http://SERVER'S_IP_ADDRESS:ALTERNATE_PORT_USED[/url] into your browser or you can change your master http port to an alternate 8080 or similar and type [url]http://MASTER'S_IP_ADDRESS:ALTERNATE_PORT_USED[/url] when ever you want to access the master's webserver.

    buttons.html is created by the code and sent to the browser that conected to the server and checkvalues.txt is just a value passed in the html so that it could be used in a GET request. GET /checkvalues.txt. The code parses this request from the bowser and responds accordingly. The file doesn't actaully exist or need to.

    Also change the .axi name
    PROGRAM_NAME='AMX_Moobile_v1' to PROGRAM_NAME='AMX_Mobile_v1'
  • mushmush Posts: 288
    vining wrote: »
    I would change thes lines in define_start. Take out the and change it to cWebURL_IP like I did below. That never should have been left like that since you should only ever need to change values in the .axi.
    cWebURLPathReFresh = "'http://',cWebURL_IP,'/checkvalues.txt'" ; 
    cWebURLPathHome = "'http://',cWebURL_IP,'/buttons.html'" ; 
    Yep, I had already spotted that and changed it.
    vining wrote: »
    I'm still with out access to a master running this code so I can't do any testing but out of curiosity are you running this on port 80? If so did you change the master's http port to something else? They both can't be 80. You could run this on any alternate unused port and the type [url]http://SERVER'S_IP_ADDRESS:ALTERNATE_PORT_USED[/url] into your browser or you can change your master http port to an alternate 8080 or similar and type [url]http://MASTER'S_IP_ADDRESS:ALTERNATE_PORT_USED[/url] when ever you want to access the master's webserver.
    I'd initially set the code port to be 81, I will try later today to set it to 80 and the master to 8080.
    vining wrote: »
    buttons.html is created by the code and sent to the browser that conected to the server and checkvalues.txt is just a value passed in the html so that it could be used in a GET request. GET /checkvalues.txt. The code parses this request from the bowser and responds accordingly. The file doesn't actaully exist or need to.
    Okay, cool.
    vining wrote: »
    Also change the .axi name
    PROGRAM_NAME='AMX_Moobile_v1' to PROGRAM_NAME='AMX_Mobile_v1'
    Yep, had already seen that too.

    Thanks for your time VAV.
    I'll post some diagnostic results later if it still doesn't work.


  • viningvining Posts: 4,368
    Did you ever get this working? I re-included it in my system and it still works fine. The only thing I noticed is it doesn't recognize that i'm connecting from an iPad so it uses the standard style sheet when serving the HTML. I didn't have an iPad or a BB for testing when I wrote it so some style sheets aren't complete either.
  • Jorde_VJorde_V Posts: 393
    Hey Vining, how about putting this up on GitHub, that way everyone can make edits and submit changes etc. (if they're authorized to do so)
  • viningvining Posts: 4,368
    Feel free to do what ever you want with it. If you put on a GitHub and make modifications just notify the forum of it's location and subsequent changes.
  • Jorde_VJorde_V Posts: 393
    vining wrote: »
    Feel free to do what ever you want with it. If you put on a GitHub and make modifications just notify the forum of it's location and subsequent changes.


    There we go.
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