ViewStat_Scheduler This module is a modification of the old ViewStat422 module and it still uses the original ViewStat422_Comm.tko and the regular ViewStat control code. What I did was add code and a module to support scheduling just as you would with a typical Honeywell Chronotherm type t-stat, a classic and simple programmable T-Stat. The module writes the schedule to XML in order to retain the program during uploads, reboots or power outages. There are 4 programming periods per day and you can set a zone for "all days the same", week ends different form weekdays" or all days different.
I posted this module a couple of years ago after wrote I it but now that we have this repository I figured I'd give it a permanent home and make it easier to find for those that might benefit from it. The code could use a facelift and made more effiecient (feedback & overhead) but it's worked very well for myself and others over the years so that will have to wait or done by another.
I posted this module a couple of years ago after wrote I it but now that we have this repository I figured I'd give it a permanent home and make it easier to find for those that might benefit from it. The code could use a facelift and made more effiecient (feedback & overhead) but it's worked very well for myself and others over the years so that will have to wait or done by another.
thanks for the modules.
Most of these were posted before, some are old & could use a little updating, others are pretty nice and I was too selfish to share. But like I said elsewhere it's better they get air time (used) then sit on my PC in some folder for the amount of use I give them. I never have to compete against other AMX dealers anyway, nobody around here has heard of them. They know C raptron so they're really the only folks I worry about.