Upgrade firmware 5200i - problems
in AMX Hardware
Hello to everybody,
Yesterday I downloaded the latest firmware to upgrade a 5200i and I performed the complete procedure described, even if I could send to the panel only the last upgrading file.
Then, I sent the SW5966-01-A-MVP5200i_PrepFor_v2.60.64.kit in the panel, but after the reboot it start to work bad, in particular I was not no more able to connect to the wireless LAN, the site survey doesn?t visualize any wireless LAN and the wireless setting IP table is not accessible at all.
After that I tried to connect via USB cable the panel to force the other files, but as soon as I connect it to the PC, no USB connection results available.
Anyone has a solution for this problem? How can I recover the correct functionality of panel?
Thank you
Yesterday I downloaded the latest firmware to upgrade a 5200i and I performed the complete procedure described, even if I could send to the panel only the last upgrading file.
Then, I sent the SW5966-01-A-MVP5200i_PrepFor_v2.60.64.kit in the panel, but after the reboot it start to work bad, in particular I was not no more able to connect to the wireless LAN, the site survey doesn?t visualize any wireless LAN and the wireless setting IP table is not accessible at all.
After that I tried to connect via USB cable the panel to force the other files, but as soon as I connect it to the PC, no USB connection results available.
Anyone has a solution for this problem? How can I recover the correct functionality of panel?
Thank you
Disconnect the 5200 from the PC (if connected via usb)
Reboot the PC
Set the 5200i connection type to USB and reboot the panel
Wait for everything to boot up and stablize
Connect the 5200i to the PC via USB.
Verify you can ping from the PC command prompt. If not, then double check your network connections that an AMX USB link is present, and that the IP is set to This is not done automagically for you - it must be done manually. Ensure the netmask is (it will likely default to Incidentally, if the netmask is incorrect, you will still be able to ping, but not connect to the master.
Assuming you can ping, and your USB network is ok, then
Start Netlinx Studio
Go to Settings->Master Communication and select Virtual Netlinx Master
Click EDIT and make sure the Current Connection is set to the USB link ( If isn't in the list, then your USB network is not connected/configured properly, or the panel is very upset.
Select OK
Refresh the system tree a couple of times - and you should see the panel connect. Now you can download the actual 2.60.64 kit (since presumably the prep kit took).
Sorry for your troubles, hope this helps.
I tried to connect via USB as you suggest me but the pirncipal problem is that no virtual ethernet on USB starts to install on the PC. Moreover, the panel USB settings allows me to set the IP address but it don't visualize the value and neither the DHCP/fixem IP mode..
It seems that some functions are not supported with the file I sent to the panel. The really strange aspecr is that whenever I sent the file to the panel, it stopped working.
Could this be normal if the firmware file is older that the one installed? I tried also to erase all the page in the panel and reset to the factory settings.
I'm not sure what version you would have down-graded from. A downgrade from 2.65.x would be possible, and should work. A downgrade from 2.66.x would not be possible - Studio should give you an invalid f/w ID error at the beginning of the transfer.
I'm not sure I follow - It seems that some functions are not supported with the file I sent to the panel. The really strange aspecr is that whenever I sent the file to the panel, it stopped working.
What functions specifically are you referring to that don't seem to exist? Wireless site survey, etc... should definitely be there.
Do you have another PC you can plug the 5200i into to see if it recognizes the panel? The 5200 is pretty good about connecting to USB -- generally the problems from USB are getting the PC configured correctly. I know that sounds a little bass-ackwards, but 99/100 times when we are working w/ USB on Linux (sorry, no user/AMX tools exist on Linux) the interface will come up, and we telnet/ftp to the panel for diag, etc...