Illegal or invalid syntax in code.. on a valid function (i think)

define_function sinteger billy_jean_is_crazy(char jeans, char billies[], _bji_do_something kab_data) { long bj; sinteger bb; bj = 2; bb = string_to_variable(kab_data, billies, bj); if(bb <> 0) { xmen(devi, you, "'you #!@U%!*@',itoa(jeans),', haha ',itoa(bb)"); } return bb; }
I get the following:
----------------- Starting Netlinx Compile - Version[] [12-23-2009 13:48:35] --------------------- C:\amx\module.axs ERROR: C:\amx\module.axs(1031): C10201: Syntax error; Illegal or invalid syntax in code C:\amx\module.axs - 1 error(s), 0 warning(s) NetLinx Compile Complete [12-23-2009 13:48:36]
strangly enough if I write any other function it does work (so I'm sure it's in the actual function, not in the functions above or anything)
the line it highlights is sinteger bb; curiously enough it highlights long bj; when I move the opening { down.
It seriously has me puzzled. I hope someone here can help me figure it out.
btw this is what it says in the help file for define_function
DEFINE_FUNCTION [<return type>]<name>[(<param1>,<param2>,...<parameN>)] { (*statements *) }
Are these supposed to be two separate parameters, or is "_bji_do_something" a structure?
it's a structure yes
Edit: and that reminded me to check the bloody structure, and obviously I made a little typo there xD. (As the japanese would say: '馬鹿!')