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Ace Re-Certs comp times

All I can say to those that completed this in less than 15 hours is "absolutely freakin amazing". To Joe who took 22 hours and achieved 100% (Ace) "absolutely freakin amazing" x 2.

I'm now 3 days into it and at least another day, probably 2 to complete w/ testing. I know I'm doing things that aren't required, experimenting w/ new ideas and accounting for possibilites that I might see in real world devices but not likely in these test devices but still, it took me 3 hours just to create the workspace, create new files, download files. etc. Sure I have to deal with constant distractions but..

I don't like dealing with HEX and oddball checksum routines and that bitwise left shift right shift crap since I haven't had a need to do it since PII and I didn't really have to do it then either. So, I lost some time working with that stuff but still.....even if I had a copy of the the test I couldn't re-type it in fifteen hours. Hat's off fellas! I'm now feeling very small and a Merry Christmas to me too! Boo Hoo, Boo Hoo, Boo Hoo. Oh, wait that's Ho! Ho! Ho!


  • ericmedleyericmedley Posts: 4,177
    As the beloved coach of Nebraska, Tom Osborn used to say, "A Wind's a win. who cares how close it was."
  • viningvining Posts: 4,368
    ericmedley wrote
    "A Wind's a win. who cares how close it was."
    Tis true. I knew if Joe took 22 hours I would need at least twice that amount of time to get it 1/2 as good. :)
  • viningvining Posts: 4,368
    Well I finally finished and handed it in. Of course I then noticed an onbvious stupid mistake, corrected that and then handed in an ammended file revision. It should be pretty good but with out spending another dozen hours writing test code on loop back ports how well it really works is TBD.

    I spent roughly 52 hours on it but since it was over the holidays, opening presents, dealing with guest, etc it's hard to be 100% accurate. If there was some sort of emulator for testing that probably would have reduced the time considerably. Of course I did some testing to verify my parsing routines and checksum calculations but for the most part it was coding in the blind. I guess this is standard for true programmers but I'm a touchy, feely kind of guy and like having my equipment in the room or at least remotely accessable. This coding in the blind method, at least for me, is only good for producing rough code with the understanding that more time is required when the equipment is available for testing.

    Now for people like joe who ace'd it in 22 hrs and those guys that did this is less than 15 hours (as long as they passed) I am truly in awe!

    I have to do the designer re-cert now and I'm thinking I can do that in under 15 hours, I hope.
  • Spire_JeffSpire_Jeff Posts: 1,917
    Congrats on getting something that you can turn in. I am personally going to procrastinate a little longer :) I still have a couple days to cram ;)

  • bcirrisibcirrisi Posts: 148
    Sweet! I'm not the only one trying to cram this is in at the last minute...
  • Joe HebertJoe Hebert Posts: 2,159
    Did my reported 20 hours incur a 2 hour penalty?

    I?m glad to hear you were able to get the job done vining.
  • TurnipTruckTurnipTruck Posts: 1,485
    What if you don't turn it in before the end of the year?

    Weren't these just published a few weeks ago?
  • viningvining Posts: 4,368
    Joe Hebert wrote:
    Did my reported 20 hours incur a 2 hour penalty?
    I would really prefer that it took you 32 hours. :) I don't know if I have access to the forum where Billy D posted your time but I thought is was 22. My apologies for dimishing your phenomenal achievement. I still can't fathom how you guys did it so quickly and what's worse is that you got 100%. The combination of the two is just mind boggling. After spending my 52 hours I'd be happy if my system turns on. ;)

    TurnipTruck wrote:
    Weren't these just published a few weeks ago?
    I think maybe August or September if memory serves me. All I know is that I've been whining* about them for what seems like a long, long time. It light of the BullsEye webex I felt my status as an AMX dealer was in jeapordy so I switched to survival mode and conceded.

    What happens if you don't do them is really anybody's guess. If they like you and your numbers are good you'll probably have a good chance of getting some slack. All I know is that last year for being 3 CEU short I had to take every online course to atone for my sins. 30 plus courses and I don't recall a thing from any one of them. This year the mood seems even more serious so all I would say is, if you'd prefer not to have to kill your first born as punishment, then get busy. Plan on spending at least 30 hours doing it. Of course that's the amount of time I thought it would take me.

    * word change
  • viningvining Posts: 4,368
    I think I'm done, let the holidays begin!

    Of course I can't really navigate the training site and come out the other end really knowing what's required and what's not so I put in a query to the training department to look me up and see if I'm actually done. I'm pretty sure I did the online stuff for installer & what ever else was required mid summer and I just sent in my Designer Practical and my Programmer Practical was sent in 2 days ago.

    In total I think the designer practical took around 15 hours but most of that was due to me being anal w/ OCD. I had to update my graphics file and grab new graphics for the equipment spec'd, resize in various pixel sizes, make individual rooms with actual equipemt pics and the line diagrams showing the connection types and of course showing the max wire lentgh based on that device's max amps & the wire size used to supply power as per the specs.

    It really could have been done in 2-3 hours by someone profecient with a good graphic app. Mines not bad but I started the day with it crashing and me loosing 2 hours worth of work. I started saving religiously after that and survived the next 8 or so crashes with only minimal loss and irritation.

    I guess I can now start enjoyng 2009!
  • Spire_JeffSpire_Jeff Posts: 1,917
    Completed my programmer exam with 30 minutes to spare! Now I just need to get it uploaded and submitted in time :) Given that I had to try the installer online exam 5 times on 3 different browsers earlier today before it was accepted, I am not sure I will make it. Wait, I have time zones on my side! Is AMX 1hr or 2hrs back from Eastern Time?


    Attempt 1... failed :(
    Attempt 2... Closer, but still failed. Looks like I am only sending a portion of the file as the file size is listed as .1mb and it upload VERY fast (Almost instantly and I know my cable modem isn't that fast). :(
  • feddxfeddx Posts: 183
    Spire_Jeff wrote: »
    Completed my programmer exam with 30 minutes to spare! Now I just need to get it uploaded and submitted in time :) Given that I had to try the installer online exam 5 times on 3 different browsers earlier today before it was accepted, I am not sure I will make it. Wait, I have time zones on my side! Is AMX 1hr or 2hrs back from Eastern Time?


    Attempt 1... failed :(
    Attempt 2... Closer, but still failed. Looks like I am only sending a portion of the file as the file size is listed as .1mb and it upload VERY fast (Almost instantly and I know my cable modem isn't that fast). :(

    Same issue here Jeff.

    I opened the browser, and it appeared as if ready to upload, (even a nice "waiting for mrbickle" note on the lower left of my browser)

    So now what?

    I cannot upload it. Granted I was cutting it close, but Now I can't even get to the page where the upload is?

  • Spire_JeffSpire_Jeff Posts: 1,917
    Well, I'm giving up for today (well, technically, yesterday... and even more technically, last year :) ). I will try again tomorrow (err today) after I get some sleep.


    Let me know if you figure something out.
  • feddxfeddx Posts: 183
    Spire_Jeff wrote: »
    Well, I'm giving up for today (well, technically, yesterday... and even more technically, last year :) ). I will try again tomorrow (err today) after I get some sleep.


    Let me know if you figure something out.

    Well I got an email telling my my prerequisite was done at 23:58 EST!!?? (really??)

    (You have successfully achieved the - 2010 AMX Prerequisites - Certification.)

    and to my knowledge I've never completed an upload. Perhaps that's why it won't let me back in. Odd!!

    Good night all, I think I'm done too.
  • viningvining Posts: 4,368
    feddx wrote:
    You have successfully achieved the - 2010 AMX Prerequisites - Certification
    That would make me nervous since you were doing the 2009 maintenance. Oddly enough the uploading process went perfect for me, go figure.

    Spire_Jeff wrote:
    Wait, I have time zones on my side! Is AMX 1hr or 2hrs back from Eastern Time?

    1 hour.

    Any way congrats to the both of you for completing it on time. I don't know if AMX has any plans but we should create another thread to review the test, share what we did, so we can at least learn form this ordeal. Of course they could be allowing late entries and there is the possibility of needing to do "Preactical Revisions" so I guess we can't. Oh well, at some point though I would at least like to see Joe's code to get a glimpse at how his mind works and see how he was able to ACE it in only "20" :) hours.
  • Spire_JeffSpire_Jeff Posts: 1,917
    Update. Still unable to use the web submission, but I sent it via email to the training dept.

    Test time was about 13 hrs, but I admittedly got a little lazy at the end there :) I would say another 3-4hrs messing around with the submission.

    Keep in mind, I performed no testing other than compiling.

  • viningvining Posts: 4,368
    Spire_Jeff wrote:
    I would say another 3-4hrs messing around with the submission.
    Well I beat your times on that! :D

    Seriously though another impressive time doing the test.

    I know I did mine as if it were a real job, creating constants, arrays, feedback, testing, etc and I'm well aware that I'm not as sharp as a lot of you full timers but even with all things considered the disparity between the times is still mind boggling. Even if your code doesn't work 100%, as I'm sure mine won't, the fact that you could get it to the point where you felt it was good enough to submit in 13 hours is to me simply amazing. My hats off to you!
  • feddxfeddx Posts: 183
    Spire_Jeff wrote: »
    Update. Still unable to use the web submission, but I sent it via email to the training dept.

    Test time was about 13 hrs, but I admittedly got a little lazy at the end there :) I would say another 3-4hrs messing around with the submission.

    Keep in mind, I performed no testing other than compiling.


    I emailed training and my boss last night questioning what I should do, and was hoping to hear back from training but no.

    I'm going to mail it in. I took about 17 hours with some preliminary testing, and about 2 hours today with a bit of polish to some of the requirements (which I'm pretty sure were written by someone who had a hemispherectomy). Lots of stuff seemed to be there for no reason (ie.Use the "Transport Status Inquiry" to determine DVD power? When we have a Video Sensor? Really? Why? I also set up Ack and Nak for my switch, but they never stated why. Do I need to enforce the string? And do I need to send the projector to the composite video input every time one of the switch buttons is pushed on the Security Cameras Page? ) Maybe it's just me. I like clarity. And lacking that, I like to have more control of the project's design.

    Good luck All. And Happy New Year.
  • JeffJeff Posts: 374
    I did mine in 8 hours, but I was feeling ridiculously productive. Who knows how well it'll be graded.

  • Spire_JeffSpire_Jeff Posts: 1,917
    I found that I had to force myself to treat this like the test that it is and break from my standard programming practices (altho, there were a few things I added on principle :) ) I had some thoughts pop in my head while programming which I will detail in an email shortly. Just briefly tho, I did things in this job specifically to complete this job quickly and I employed strategies that were better for completing a single job quickly and ignored re-usability/portability of code.

    I did do lots of constants and tried to be as descriptive as possible (without being ridiculous) because I figured that even tho I hopefully will never have to look at the code again, the person grading it might be easier on me if I was easier on them :) (Altho, I will say that the idea of find 'DescriptiveNames' replace with 'aba', 'ba', 'ab', ... did momentarily cross my mind :) )

  • ericmedleyericmedley Posts: 4,177
    Spire_Jeff wrote: »
    I found that I had to force myself to treat this like the test that it is and break from my standard programming practices (altho, there were a few things I added on principle :) ) I had some thoughts pop in my head while programming which I will detail in an email shortly. Just briefly tho, I did things in this job specifically to complete this job quickly and I employed strategies that were better for completing a single job quickly and ignored re-usability/portability of code.

    I did do lots of constants and tried to be as descriptive as possible (without being ridiculous) because I figured that even tho I hopefully will never have to look at the code again, the person grading it might be easier on me if I was easier on them :) (Altho, I will say that the idea of find 'DescriptiveNames' replace with 'aba', 'ba', 'ab', ... did momentarily cross my mind :) )

    All my variable names were in ancient Hebrew. I hope that helps. :D
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