NXV-300 issues
in AMX Hardware
i got a site which uses the NXV-300, the modero virtual touch panel. It had come preloaded with a demo touch panel. I did a firmware upgrade and then loaded my touch panel made for the nxv-300. The touch panel is about 17 mb size and after loading it. I am not able to see the device online in my online tree or in TPD4. I am able to telnet the device and even i reset it to factory settings, i am not able to see it online. I telnet the device and put in the command 'Disk Free' and found there is no free memory at all. So i need to send it back to do a format the flash drive. My question is how do i remove the preloaded touch panel file and is there any limitation to the touch panel file that needs to be loaded to the device.
I did all the commands in telnet, clean disk, clean disk -f, etc. but nothing seems to clean it
I did the power cycle and waited for a day but still no success
I haven?t used the NXV-300 before but I?d say yes there are limitations although they are not clearly spelled out other than ?of large size.? It sounds like yours may be cooked.
After reading this if I get a new NXV-300 I?m going to get rid of the demo file and replace it with a blank page before I do anything else.
I?m surprised this device doesn?t do a better job of protecting itself especially since it?s shipped with a loaded gun.
It would be even better if the device knew better than to commit suicide, but at this point, I'll take what I can get.
Thanks for posting that info. I am getting ready to order one of these as a demo (next year so it counts towards demo gear
It has been recommended for many years that a Blank page is loaded using a Normal Transfer prior to any project files being loaded for the first time. This has always resulted in a corrupted CF Card, so I would assume the same is true of the NXV300
Every box used to have a warning sheet on the inside, but its been a while since I opened a box fresh...
If this has been a problem all along I question why it hasn?t been resolved.
There?s got to be a way to protect that from happening.
Thanks for the info.
"loaded gun." Isn't that the truth?
I wonder if deleting the user pages would accomplish the same thing as loading a small file/blank page.
What's the purpose of the demo pages anyway? Does anybody even look at them? One of my dogs got sight of a panel with the demo pages loaded and seemed to be fascinated, but he watches golf on TV so what does he know?
Also, what happens when you try to connect to the unit with a standalone vnc client? Again this needs to be done several minutes after the panel is booted.
That will work also; however, you tried to load a ?large? file when there is already a ?large? file (the demo file) loaded which causes the problem described in the manual.
Reread the bolded text from the manual which I posted earlier.
That describes your issue exactly.
You unknowingly shot yourself in the head.
I await the screenshot. Also, please let me know what happens with the VNC attempt. Not to argue with more senior posters or the operations manual, but this device does not use the same memory as a panel, it is more like a master. Corruption is a possibility, but I think it's unlikely. I suspect some unknown "something else." At any rate, you didn't do anything wrong. You should have been able to download the large file and have it overwrite the existing file.
Even if the user pages are fubar'd, the setup pages should still be in the panel. That is why I'm curious about your VNC results.
George Smith
AMX Firmware Engineering
I was just going by what was in the manual.
It would be nice if all AMXers on the forum identified themselves as such.
You guys are always a welcome read and you definitely carry a lot of weight around here.
Your insight is of far greater worth than someone who only has experience and/or the manuals to go on.
Thanks for joining in George.
John Paul ? Please ignore everything I said.
I was able to VNC the device using tightvnc software. Then i put in all the settings and tried to see it come up on the online tree or in TPD4 but it didnt show. Then i also tried to VNC it again and then it didnt work. So when i checked the actual device, the Max connections red led was lit up.
Anyway i send the device back to clean up the flash. Also i have attached the screen shot
As for Jaadu VNC, we have been setting this up for clients for quite a few months already.
Does anyone know wat is the maximum size of TPD4 file that can be uploaded to this device. I dont want to go to the route of getting the flash memory corrupted again
1. load a blank TPD4 file to remove the demo TPD4 file and keep the flash clean.
2. Then load my TPD4 file, be it any size.
Correct me if i am wrong