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Training & Cert Reqs - 2010

I just went through my ACE profile and other parts of the training section on the website - has anyone else? Specifically I'm looking for the 2010 practical and emulator like we were told we'd have by the beginning of the year.

Perhaps I just misread what members of the training department were trying to convey to us about 2010, dunno though.


  • ericmedleyericmedley Posts: 4,177
    I went through mine and noticed the 3 CEUs for taking the questionaire are now gone. However, my ACE certfication says pending grading (paraphrasing, of course)
  • jjamesjjames Posts: 2,908
    My impression may be slightly off as to when the new requirements will be posted. First, I went off of this post which implied they'd be set and shown Mid-November. However, this one says "around Jan 4"; and yet another post says "Keep an eye on the ACE Profile page for details in the next 2-3 weeks", which bring it out to the latest at Jan 13th.

    Either way, I have confidence that the Training Team will deliver on their expectations they've set of it being available this month. So, I apologize for me "preemptive" calling for the 2010 plan.
  • The ACE Challenge is now showing on the Profile page - if anyone needs to take that route to regain there ACE status - only 1 chance to take the exam & pass, if nominated as experienced by an AMX staffer.

    I would personnaly prefer if AMX said we're not going to announce anything in Jan as previously stated until we have had a chance to respond to the various issues people have raised and we have had a chance to get all our ducks in a row!

    I think AMX are listening to the comments / complaints here and elsewhere and that in a few months everything will be settled and we can all get on with what we do.
  • jjamesjjames Posts: 2,908
    Jimweir192 wrote: »
    I would personnaly prefer if AMX said we're not going to announce anything in Jan as previously stated until we have had a chance to respond to the various issues people have raised and we have had a chance to get all our ducks in a row!

    I think AMX are listening to the comments / complaints here and elsewhere and that in a few months everything will be settled and we can all get on with what we do.
    I just think AMX does (or should) have all their ducks in a row and based on the comments I pointed out, there's no reason why they shouldn't. I think people have been critical of the training team, requirements and practical for quite some time now - plenty of time in my opinion to have a solid training roadmap rolled out this month. If they still need a few more months, perhaps they need a few more guys on the team (though I doubt it.)

    The training department is competent just like most (if not all) of the other departments at AMX and just like all of the other departments (and everyone else on this forum), they make mistakes - we're only human.

    Anyway, thanks for the heads up on the profile update!
    confirming email??

    Did anyone actually receive a confirming email that their programmer practical exam had been submitted??
  • viningvining Posts: 4,368
    Jimweir192 wrote:
    if anyone needs to take that route to regain there ACE status - only 1 chance to take the exam & pass, if nominated as experienced by an AMX staffer.
    I don't know about that, read the note below.
    NOTE: By requesting the ACE Challenge, you claim to have the skills required without the benefit of classroom training. Consequently, you will have one opportunity to pass the practical exam.

    I did notice they have the maintnetance for 2010 Installer on my "Learn Track" and I assume once my praticals for Programmer & Designer are graded (providing I pass) the 2010 learn track for those will be listed as well.
  • viningvining Posts: 4,368
    VLCNCRZR wrote:
    Did anyone actually receive a confirming email that their practical exam had been submitted??
    I did receive a confirmation for the Designer practical but for the Programmer practical I emailed the traning department and requested confirmation. I also requested they check to make sure everything that could possibly be required for the 2009 maintentance was completed as well.
  • ericmedleyericmedley Posts: 4,177
    VLCNCRZR wrote: »
    Did anyone actually receive a confirming email that their programmer practical exam had been submitted??

    I misread the quote above. I did receive a confirmation.
  • VLCNCRZR wrote: »
    Did anyone actually receive a confirming email that their programmer practical exam had been submitted??

    Yes, when I submitted I received a response confirming receipt within the 2 working days described.
  • ColzieColzie Posts: 470
    VLCNCRZR wrote: »
    Did anyone actually receive a confirming email that their programmer practical exam had been submitted??

    Yes, within a day or so of submitting my practical.
  • feddxfeddx Posts: 183
    VLCNCRZR wrote: »
    Did anyone actually receive a confirming email that their programmer practical exam had been submitted??

    I didn't see anything, and had problems submitting it on the 31st. I emailed them and was told there was a problem, and I resubmitted it. Wasn't a hassle, and they told me they now have it.
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