Occupancy Sensor
I need to add an occupancy sensor to a job I'm working on. Since I've never speced one before I thought I'd ask y'all what sensor you'd recommend (or if there are any I should stay away from).
Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
I have done this two ways.
1. I have used feedback from motion sensors from integrated sensors.
2. When there is no alarm info available, I have installed generic alarm system motion sensors to I/O ports of AMX. Motion sets a flag in code indicating occupancy. DSC makes very popular motions sensors that I have used with good success.
Make sure that the sensor you choose has a "latch" time which can be adjusted down to a few seconds - you want it to trigger as often as possible when there are occupants in some circumstances.
We've used sensors from Rokonet with success (who appear to have become Risco: see http://www.riscogroup.com/Products.aspx?subcatid=110&id=12).
I must concur. Pure IR detectors will even pick up gusts of air from heating systems and air conditioners. I may also add, if pets are involved, you want the kind that will discriminate between human and pet-sized detections, or at least can be masked to not pick up the family cat.
I'll agree with Auser's Rokonet suggestion. They're small and work pretty well and trouble free. I also like the Honeywell DualTec series a lot too.
Like TurnipTruck, I prefer interfacing through the alarm if it's possible. You can do a lot by trapping for things like arming status to know if everyone's left the building, door movements from the magnetic contacts, etc...
Or could I let the Touchpanel itself handle the 1hour timeout and make it send a string or something? TP is NXD-500i.
Obviously I'd create an event for the I/O PIR trigger too.
Whenever I have done this, I have stuck to public areas and hallways, leaving more private areas for manual control. Spaces people live and work in they prefer to have under their own control. Passing through, well, not so much.
I've always used the Napco motion sensors with PIR and microwave. They make a lot of various models for different environments. An alternative to motion sensors is some type of RF proximity device; I understand that is how they do it at the Gates estate. The downside is that people have to carry something around with them, which would be fine for an office, not so great for a home.
Bottom line: there is no hard and fast answer. It is going to vary greatly with the environment.