EMP 81 return code
in AMX Hardware
Hi everyone
Has anybody experince this issue before ? I'm using NI700 to control EPSON EMP81 via serial connection, the problem is i manage to control the projector but not getting the status return code. When i use hyperterminal to send the get command code ..... it return back the status even with the same serial cable.
Has anybody experince this issue before ? I'm using NI700 to control EPSON EMP81 via serial connection, the problem is i manage to control the projector but not getting the status return code. When i use hyperterminal to send the get command code ..... it return back the status even with the same serial cable.
I've tried today using only Tx,Rx and Ground on hyper terminal and on NI700
Both can actually control the projector but for getting the return code, the hyper terminal could get them and not the NI700. i'm using the latest firmware for the Ni700.
Does the Rx LED of the NI-700 serial port flicker after the Tx LED flickers when you send a command to the projector?
How are you trapping for the return code?
Hi Joe
The Tx flickered but not on the Rx LED. But for the HYPER-TERMINAL MODE, i got those return codes ...... weird. Tests are conducted using the same cable with Tx,Rx,Gnd pin config.
Re-reading your first post it sounds like there are two commands issued to the projector; one command to control and one to get status. Is this true?
If so, is it possible that you?re missing a terminating byte (like a CR) for the get status query? When you use HyperTerminal it might be sending out a CR by default and your code may not be sending it. I?m not familiar with your projector nor the protocol for it so I might be way off base.
Only other thing I would try (a long shot) is to use the other serial port on the NI-700 and see if you have the same results. And if you want to rule out the hardware then talk to some other RS-232 device to verify that the port can both send and receive.
Jason, I'll reiterate what I mentioned earlier:
In your program, MAKE SURE that you either have a CREATE_BUFFER for the projector in DEFINE_START and/or a STRING: handler in the projector's DATA_EVENT.
Otherwise, are you literally moving the cable from the NI-700 over to your laptop when you're doing this test, or are you using a completely different cable?
- Chip
Thanks guys, got it working already.
- Chip
Sorry guys . I'm not quite sure what happen but i'm sure that i was using the same cable all the while ..... i try to load a simple program in and reboot the master ..... and it worked.
I think might be due to memory problem or something. By the way, the pin config for the cable i'm using is only 2,3,5. That's all as per EPSON manual.