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GUI on Master only

I've been told to make a TP file up and put it on the master so that it can be accessed via a computer on the network...
I've come across something called webcontrol? But I understood it as just ftp-ing a TP file or something to the master and vnc-ing or accessing it via webpage.

Can anyone shed some light on what I need to do? or where I should start?!



  • PhreaKPhreaK Posts: 966
    TPDesign 3 provided the ability to create web panels which could be uploaded to AMX masters, however this was removed from TPDesign 4. It is still possible to download TPD3 and use it to create these however the implimentation is a bit shonky and you're limited to utilizing the G3 UI toolkit.

    Recently AMX released a product called the NXV-300 which will allow you to create interfaces using TPDesign 4 and access them using and VNC capable device. It's essentially a touch panel minus the screen.
  • DHawthorneDHawthorne Posts: 4,584
    One of the big problems with the G3 web control is that many modern browsers had difficulty creating and refreshing the panel display. In many cases it wouldn't work at all. The only time I had any success at all with it was when I had a dedicated computer with all windows and browser upgrades disabled ... which is not an ideal situation by any means.
  • John NagyJohn Nagy Posts: 1,744
    More on the 300
    PhreaK wrote: »
    Recently AMX released a product called the NXV-300 which will allow you to create interfaces using TPDesign 4 and access them using and VNC capable device. It's essentially a touch panel minus the screen.
    An important addition unique to the NXV300 is the web overlay built in. While every G4 panel (even the 430) has a VNC server built in, the NXV300 has that AND a web server that interprets the panel onto a browser without any client-side VNC or other software. That means it is accessable anywhere.

    We have experienced some performance issues with the 300. It cannot take commands at the rate a "real" panel can, and if overwhelmed by too many panel commands, it will "flap" on and offline rapidly and then take down the NetLinx. Fortunately, it takes a LOT of commands to kill it. Our product sends up to 900 commands on PANEL ONLINE to update all our dynamic pages; that's too much for the 300. We had to throttle back the command (and thefore feature) set with a 300 is detected.

    We've heard some side discussion about memory issues in the 300; we haven't seen these.

    We recently had reports of the web interface locking up and endlessly repeating the last key; this appears to be an internal issue, and it goes away with a reboot of the 300. Details are sketchy so far. If you have seen this occur, let me know... we're still trying to replicate it.
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