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Ace Recert Grading?

I probably shouldn't be posting this but the rules have already changed so what's the harm.

I passed but found the comment regarding the DVD player a little confusing. 4 of the 5 sections failed and then the comment section explained my flaws.

Now lookng at my code I'm wondering what code they were looking at. Am I blind or missing something? Now elsewhere in the system since there are no modules I have a single timeline for checking all Q's which probalby works alright but even if it doesn't the not sending $0D and use of double quotes makes no sense.
ok 5001:3:0 DVD Player 9600,N,8,1
0 Correct use of protocol
0 Proper usage of BUTTON_EVENT for control
0 Proper usage of DATA_EVENT for string handling
0 Feedback (Text/Button)

Notes: You should always encapsulate any command or string sent to a device with string
expressions (double quotations), it is what we teach in class. Also, every string sent to the DVD
player must be sent a terminator of $0D. Since you've not sent this, none of the strings will be
understood by the DVD player.


  • HedbergHedberg Posts: 671
    Glad to hear you passed. That's all that's important. Haven't heard back on my test -- we'll see. Shortly after I submitted my program I realized that I forgot to include my code for that !#_%!#%_@&#% stupid virtual keypad thing even though I had written and tested it. That's one thing I've learned from this exercise -- if anybody ever asks me about virtual keypad I need not claim ignorance. All I need do is proclaim loudly and strongly, "don't." Basically G3 web control only more so.
  • ericmedleyericmedley Posts: 4,177
    Not to carp and complain, but I haven't heard back on mine either. I think I turned mine in about 1.5 months before you.

    I guess the test grading queue is not FIFO.

    Vining. a win's a win. Congrats on passing! I can only hope I can join you and move my tassle over my hat.

    we'll see.
  • TurnipTruckTurnipTruck Posts: 1,485
    Chill Vining. I don't think any pride should be on the line with this test. You either pass or you don't.
  • viningvining Posts: 4,368
    Thanks but I wanted a higher score since I have an ego to feed and it's already taken a major hit in regard to this test and the DVD portion cost me 10 points. What I don't get is that I clearly (unless I'm missing something) used double quote and appended $0D to every string sent to the device. It only got sent from 1 location, from my fnDVD_ProcessQ function. ?? If I got something wrong that I'm pretty sure was probably right it doesn't give me confidence that the grades will be accurate. Fortunately for me mostly everything was right and the other things that were marked wrong are really too trivial to double check.

    I actually had fun with the virtual keypad and as the user waited for the the system to fully start or shut down I had different strings sent at different intervals letting them know how much longer the need to wait. Please wait..., A little bit longer...., Ok, I lied...., 20 more seconds.., Almost there! I thought of doing a scrolling Santa Claus animation like eric posted prior to christmas but w/ only 3 lines it wouldn't have worked.
  • viningvining Posts: 4,368
    TurnipTruck wrote:
    Chill Vining. I don't think any pride should be on the line with this test. You either pass or you don't.
    Yeah I know but to repeat what I just said if the grading is flawed it's flawed. I passed but others may not. Maybe they should fail maybe they shouldn't.

    I think pride should be on the line in everything we do. Remember when made in the USA meant something.

    ericmedley wrote:
    I guess the test grading queue is not FIFO.

    Vining. a win's a win. Congrats on passing!
    I think they were just trying to get rid of me quickly but I foiled them. :D
  • Jorde_VJorde_V Posts: 393
    vining wrote: »
    Remember when made in the USA meant something.

    Yeah I remember, back in the day, when there were only natives.

    Nonetheless congrats, it seems that you simply didn't encapsulate your strings in double/single quotes.
    - you didn't add the carriage return to your strings ($0D, in this case). (proper usage of protocol)
    - you didn't request/use the feedback from the DVD player (i.e. feedback on the play button)

    I don't know what you did with button/data_event so I can't answer those. The above seems logical though. Afaik double/single quotes around strings is common sense (at least in other languages).

    I hope you're not offended that a newbie is telling you this.
  • viningvining Posts: 4,368
    Nerieru wrote:
    Yeah I remember, back in the day, when there were only natives.
    Didn't get back from watching Avatar did ya? :)

    Any way I know the what the eval said but strings are only sent from this function:
         nFBS = find_string(cDVD_TxQueue,"STR_QUEUE_DELIM",1) ;
    	  cDVD_CmdLst_Sent = GET_BUFFER_STRING(cDVD_TxQueue,nFBS - 1)
    	  SEND_STRING dvDVD_CD,"cDVD_CmdLst_Sent,STR_CR" ;

    I see double quotes and my constant for $0D and although I may be simple, I'm not dumb, well I guess some could argue that, but it is what it is. I just wish I knew what they were looking at. I did return an email to my grader but haven't heard a word and don't suppose I ever will. Makes me think they grade like they write. :D
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