Help with Polycom feedback
Hi guys,
Thanks to all of you for sharing tricks and experience!
I need help with Polycom HDX feedback.
I would like to turn on and off a TP button when the mute state is on and off.
1- I send string 'mute register' to the device when it comes online.
2- On a TP button, I send string 'mute near toggle'.
3- I receive 'mute near toggle' as feedback and not 'mute near on' or 'mute near off'????
I try to send string 'mute near get' on the mute button event and I receive 'mute near get' as feedback ...
Someone as an idea?
Thanks to all of you for sharing tricks and experience!
I need help with Polycom HDX feedback.
I would like to turn on and off a TP button when the mute state is on and off.
1- I send string 'mute register' to the device when it comes online.
2- On a TP button, I send string 'mute near toggle'.
3- I receive 'mute near toggle' as feedback and not 'mute near on' or 'mute near off'????
I try to send string 'mute near get' on the mute button event and I receive 'mute near get' as feedback ...
Someone as an idea?
- Try and use "mute near on/off" instead of "mute near toggle". I always prefer using discretes...
- Alternativelly use "mute near get" after each toggle
=== LE
By now I have read the whole of your post. Please ignore my second line above.
I am successfully querying with "mute near get", and the reply is correct.
It appears that you only get an echo of your command. Do you get any feedback if you operate from the remote?
What happens if you request "callinfo all"?
No, I don't receive feedback from remote commands.
Do I need to do something special in ONLINE event?
I only send string 'SET BAUD 9600,N,8,1 485 DISABLE' to the device
You should be getting two responses, I believe, to a mute status query. The Polycom should send some sort of ack and then should tell you whether the mute is on or off. Looks like you're getting neither of these. Something to check -- your command to the Polycom should terminate with a <cr> (13 or $0D) and no line feed but the response from the Polycom should include a lf. Are you sure that the response you are getting is not just the command you are sending? Also, when you tell the Polycom to do something via RS232, does it actually do it? You may be able to tell that I'm thinking cable problem. Also, make sure you don't have a Polycom null adapter connected to the AMX DB9.
2- I don't use null modem adapter
3- I use a cross-over cable as described in the HDX documentation
I get the feedback in DATA event of the Polycom device. Do I need to use CREATE_BUFFER instead?
Like you said, I think the feedback is the command I sent...
I believe what's happening is something with the cable, everything you send you get the same thing, this might be the TX and RX of your cable is tied toguether.
If you have some way to test the cable(a multimeter in hands), I recommend you try it. Just to help you the cable must be a crossed cable, not a straigh thru.
Just to be sure, it's not send_string, it's send_command
I use SEND_STRING for other commands because I don't use AMX module
And my commands end with $0D
Well, try one thing, if you have a polycom microphone, try to press the mute button. You should receive an mute answer from the polycom. If you not receive, might be some config on polycom (I don't know if exists), or cable config, like I said on the other post.
I bet on the cable, if you resolve this problem let me know the solution!
So, the string that appears in the buffer -- does it include the $0A or just the $0D? If it includes the $0A, I'm at a loss.
Have you tried recycling power to the Polycom unit?
Also, make sure that the port that you are using on the Polycom is properly configured for "control". The ports can be set to other values -- I don't recall what they are, the manual describes the possibilities. If it's like the Polycom I looked at the other day, yours might have two RS232 ports on it. Try the other port.
By sending the 'mute register' only when the device comes online you are counting on the Polycom being on and ready only at this time. Try sending this string when you turn on the system. This string MUST be sent to get the feedback from the Polycom. The Polycom will reply with 'mute registered' to to this command. If you don't get this reply then mute is not registered. Also check your wiring, to ensure you are getting an RX from the Polycom and not just a shorted loopback.
1- I changed cable 3 times and I?ve check each with my meter. Pin 2 from MC goes to pin 3 in Polycom, pin 3 from MC goes to pin 2 in Polycom and pin 5 is straight.
2- When I use Telnet or Hyperterminal I can send a command and receive a feedback. For example, I send mute near get and Telnet responds ?mute near off? or ?mute near on?. Same thing for all other commands. If I send all register, I receive a feedback for each registered command.
3- When I use Control a device with Netlinx to do the same test, I don?t receive the feedback but the echo from my command.
4- I?ve tried to use all master?s RS-232 ports.
5- I?ve tried DATA.TEXT in DATA event and I?ve also tried CREATE_BUFFER. I didn?t receive feedback with CREATE_BUFFER, only echo from my command.
This is my code, maybe someone will see something I don?t?
dvTP = 10001:01:0 // General fonctions
dvTP_VidConf = 10001:02:0 // Videoconference
dvTP_AudConf = 10001:03:0 // Audioconference
dvTP_Sat = 10001:04:0 // Sat receiver
dvTP_Vol = 10001:05:0 // Volume
dvTP_Channel = 10001:06:0 // Favorite channels
// RS-232
dvPOLYCOM = 5001:03:0 // Polycom HDX-8002XL
VOLATILE CHAR cBuff_Polycom[255]
IF( FIND_STRING(cBuff_Polycom, 'mute near on', 1) )
IF( FIND_STRING(cBuff_Polycom, 'mute near off', 1) )
BUTTON_EVENT[dvTP_VidConf,3] // Local mute
IF( [dvTP_AudConf,3] )
SEND_STRING dvPOLYCOM,"'mute near off',$0D"
SEND_STRING dvPOLYCOM,"'mute near on',$0D"
Thanks for your help guys, appreciated.
Have you tried RS232 from your LT with Hyperterm or did you do IP with Hyperterm?
I use hyperterm with IP from my LT
Second: Jeff B is correct that the Polycom must be fully booted up before you can send your 'register' strings. And Hedberg is correct that there is nothing odd about Polycom in this respect - it's plain old RS232 and should work out of the box, just like an Extron switcher.
Something else to try: watch strings from the port in Notifications. Then, telnet into the Polycom and issue 'mute near get'. You should see (for example) 'mute near on' in both the telnet window AND your device notifications, if mute was properly registered.
If the port on the Polycom is properly configured ('control', rather than pass-thru or one of the other available configurations which are, as I recall, only used for cameras), then it's probably time to call Polycom.
This is a curious problem and I'm interested to see what the resolution is. I've been suspecting something with the cable, but the Polycom is taking the commands and changing its state -- it's just the feedback that is screwy. So, it seems very unlikely to me that he's just seeing the sent command returning -- in that case, the Polycom wouldn't execute the command, I think.
It was the cable.
I don't know if it's the cable gauge or type but the installer used another type of cable and now it's working.
Very important : don't use a commercial cable with built-in connectors because if other pins than 2, 3 and 5 are used, the feedback doesn't run.
Link to similar problem :
Thanks to all for helping!