Multi-Line Commenting out of code - Easy Question
I learned this in P1, but I've forgotten: what are the keystrokes used to comment out multiple lines of code? I thought it was an ALT+ command, but I can't figure it out!
On my machine I've been using F2 for a while, but I don't know if that's the default.
Typically though when I want to comment out a block of code, I use /* and */ to comment out a block.
Thanks! Now that I know where to look, the keystroke combo Ctrl+B does it. I don't care what anyone else says about you guys, you're Awesome! ;-)
I've been doing this a long time and never knew this was available. Ha!
I just did the old
thiing myself.
The *only* thing I don't care for about that way of it is if there's already comments a the line, it can get a finicky (at least it has for me), which is why I've always done the /* */ (and in the past (* *) ).
As always - a million ways to skin the cat.