Avatar Movie
I finally saw the movie Avatar on Saturday night...IMAX 3D no less and was totally blown away. I don't think I will ever enjoy a movie any other way.
It is easy to imagine a nice round of new home integration business revolving around updating home theaters to maximize the 3D experience.
It is easy to imagine a nice round of new home integration business revolving around updating home theaters to maximize the 3D experience.
I?m colorblind shades of red, blue, and green and I?m hoping that doesn?t ruin the experience.
I wonder what level of colorblindness renders 3D movies useless or even worse possibly cause migraines. I read mixed reports on the Interweb.
From what I understand though 3D now is way better than the old days when you had to wear those stupid flimsy paper glasses.
I would have liked to see it in the iMAX format cuz I think the 3D affect would have been much better if you were dwarfed by the screen. The Lowes theater I went to was alright but the few scenes with great 3D affects were dimished when the affect went off screen to soon since from where I was seated the screen only took up 1/2-3/4 of my field of vision. My only other experience with 3D was in Disney World a few years back (my wife took me since I never made it w/ the kids) and the other effects (spraying water & rodents under seat) in conjunction with the 3D experience was really cool even for a big kid like me.
Has anyone seen/used the new 3D TV or projectors yet? I'm not sure how good 3D would be on the small screen (TVs) but a good Projecter setup might be very cool indeed. Just need more content to make it worth the investment.
I've had a very good demonstration of 3D material at Digital Projection. It was one of their Titan models - seriously bright and high quality. It was a pretty big screen > 5m. The best material was the nature documentary material rather than the CGI pointy, pointy stuff.
This was the first demo that I've seen that made me think some of my customers might stump up the 50% premium for this. Put it in some perspective, probably a ?100k PJ.
Further perspective; Sky (Murdoch's Satellite platform in Europe) put out the Arsenal v Manchester United fixture today on 3D. Didn't see it in 3D but that's quite a major gig.
I take it you didn't have any problems... current 3D digital cinema technologies either use circularly polarized light (RealD) or multiple wavelengths of red, blue, and green, one for each eye (Dolby 3D). Either one shouldn't have any issues with colorblindness.
I saw it in regular 3D, and still had a blast. I don't know that I would pay to see it again in IMAX -- it was plenty immersive as it was. I only occasionally had problems with my eyes "losing" perspective, and generally just had to blink to get things back in focus again, generally while the camera was swooping around the landscape.
Couldn't agree more...but I tried to get past that fact and let myself be a kid again for a few hours. Pure fantasy run wild.
Definitely agree with Dave on the plot.
in fact...
Haha, that's bloody brilliant
Only 7-13 plots are used in Pollywood, so I don't generally expect much. I am impressed with the technollogy in the film. I saw it in 3D, and it did add to the experience. It surprised me, since in my day the paper glasses were high priced :^)
I'm still waiting for Ender's Game to be made into a movie, to show you how much of a kid I think I am....
Eric, where did you find that story line doc? Brilliant!