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Tx IR string from 5200i and 8400

Hi all, can anybody can tell me how to transmit a specific IR code periodially (5sec) from a MVP-5200i and/or MVP-8400. The original plan was to have the MVP to do this itself somehow but on reflection it may be easier to get the controller to 'tell' the Touch Screen when to send the IR commands?

The reason for this is that I have some elderly (and not so elderly) clients that tend to be scared of the technology so the object is to automatically 'tweak' the TS graphics to suit the room for control and management - e.g. It can call up the associated room plan (page) through Wifi and enable the various control options - AV, curtains, lighting etc

The buildings are large, each room already has one or more lighting keypads (Dynalite) that includes a built in IR receiver. As the automation system knows the location of each keypad, it can easily determine which room the touch screen is currently in - based on the keypad number supplying the received IR codes.

I already have the infrastructure running and in place, I just need to figure out how to send the IR codes?

Any ideas?
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