Invalid Device message with touchscreen
I added a new tpd4 file to my CV7, and also mapped that new file to my user interface folder in netlinx studio. However, I seem to be getting an 'Invalid Device' message next to it in my workspace view. If I go into device mapping and try to map the device, I can only select "custom" from the right side, because the address that I am using (10001:1:0) is being shown as configured for another panel. That panel's actual address, as noted in DEFINE_DEVICE, is 10007:1:0, but it shows as 10001:1:0 under Device Mapping. The only way I have been able to map the new tpd file is to delete the file from the workspace and then re-add it, and then go back into device mapping, and map the custom/user-defined address of 10001:1:0 to it. I don't get it.
You can make it work. Define your devices, save, and exit NS. When you open it again, device mapping will work. It's possible (I haven't tried it, but it seems likely) that if you go to Edit | Advance | Rescan source, it may work as well. The issue seems to be at what point it reads the devices in.
Nope, not for me. I know that worked in a previous version, so that was the first thing I tried when I saw the problem re-appear. I'm running Studio v on Win7.
Here is a brand new workspace. Saved/compiled/closed/opened...
Looks like Device Mapping is the reason AMX doesn't officially support Windows 7!
I just upgraded from Netlinx Studio2 and have the same problem using XP so the problem is with NS3 not Win7 or Vista only.
I have tried closing NS, Re-booting machine, saving workspace, closing workspace and re-opening a different workspace, compiling system, compiling project, compiling workspace, rapid head scratching, buddhist chants, and various forms of voo-doo.
Some workspaces display their devices with no problem, others list only the custom option. I have a workspace that I have used for a project since 2006 without problems and it is unuseable in NS3. It has approximately 7 systems and only one of those systems has any devices showing up (regardless of the active system). However the devices that do show up are odd, I do not think I created them, they have device id's like 3:1:0 and 4:1:0. and names that are not from this project (or any that I created).
Unfortunately I did not write them down or do a screen shot before reverting back to NS2. Which works fine once again.
I also tried shortening the file path, moving the workspace to a local drive, eleminating spaces in the workspace name.
I wish that NS2 and NS3 could coexist on the same machine, so that I could simply use NS2 on projects that do not play well, at least until it is fixed.
FYI: in case it makes a difference, when installing NS3 for the first time, I changed the default install location fom ...\...\netlinx studio2 to ...\...\netlinx studio3. It didn't help as the first thing that happened was NS2 being uninstalled. When that didn't work I uninstalled NS3 and re-installed using defaults. Just wanted to give full disclosure.
I re-installed NS3 again to confirm some of the issues I have with it.
Some existing projects work, and some do not. New projects appear to work.
It appears as though the "odd" devices that I mentioned in my earlier post are coming from an AMX supplied duet module. I believe that the device addresses are coming from the compiled comm module. I can not be sure since I do not have access to the source code for the module. The UI portion seems to support that theory.
I created a new workspace , created an empty master source file using the generic netlinx template, defined a couple of sample devices,and added a random IR file from the AMX library. The devices appeared in the Device map as expected after compiling and saving.
I then imported a copy of one of the defective master source files and set it as the master, saved and compiled. The devices did not show up in the device map.
I set the original, nearly empty, source file as the master and copy/pasted the define device section from the defective master into it, saved and copied, and the devices appeared in the map list.
I then selected the entire contents of the defective master and copy pasted that into the test master source file (overwriting the entire contents), saved and compiled the devices did NOT show up in the device map list.
Then I removed all of the previously copied elements from the test source file and began copying individual sections into it. Saving and compling after each section, I was unable to finish this excercise due to time constraints but the sections I did paste (just prior to the "Define Start" section) successfully populated the Device map list. I assume that somewhere in the source file after the point that I stopped checking is an erant control character or code section that causes the IDE to choke.
I checked the problem workspace files on a Windows Vista 64 machine running NS3 (3.0.315) and the device maps displayed properly.
The machine I had problems with was running Win XP NS3 (3.1.374 ).
I installed NS3 (3.0.315) on the XP machine that was having problems.
The device mapping issue is not present in this version. It is odd that the readme. text file for the current version claims to have "fixed" the device mapping problem. Maybe the released version accidently omitted this "fix" or AMX's idea of fixing the issue is to create an issue where it did not previously exist