MVP-7500 Wireless transfer nightmare
I have a couple MVP-7500 which don't accept wireless upload at all. It doesn't matter if it is SMART, NORMAL or FULL transfer. I keep receiving an error message (Transfer aborted ...NAK Code 0x0007) all the time. They both work during USB transfer. I have a 3rd MVP-7500 that works fine via ethernet using the same TP4 file that never works on the the other 2 MVPs. AMX has sent me 2 new flash cards, both panels have the latest firmware and yet they don't work via ethernet wireless uploading. Anybody out there with same problems, who knows a fix? I had the same problem with a couple MVP-8400 before, but new flash cards resolved the problems. In this case, even new flash cards are not solving the problems with these two MVP-7500s.
It looks like AMX has serious problems with their wireless ethernet uploading. If I can remember, I have had 6 MVP panels with similar problems and I am just a few feet away and the connection is excellent.
Any ideas or I need to send them back to AMX?
It looks like AMX has serious problems with their wireless ethernet uploading. If I can remember, I have had 6 MVP panels with similar problems and I am just a few feet away and the connection is excellent.
Any ideas or I need to send them back to AMX?
You're right. Ater turning off WEP64 both panels uploaded fine via ethernet SMART transfer. So, it is not a hardware problem, but a firmware problem indeed. I am surprised that AMX tech support didn't asked me to disable the WEP before sending me 2 new flash cards.
So, what kind of settings do you use for security? Most of my systems have the MVPs in the same network as the PCs, so WEP and DISABLE SSID were good security procedures I use. Maybe AMX will fix this issue in the future. Any suggestions for a secure wireless network with MVPs and PCs?
I have blamed it on the Linksys WRT54G / WAP54G combos around the house, but am not sure that this is a valid argument. This upload issue also applies when only the one WRT54G WiFi router is active, MVP within a few feet of it, no other 2.4GHz devices. The customer already owned the Linksys infrastructure and I could not find a good reason why this should not support a couple of MVPs.
I have implemented a "Link Quality" (level 0:80) indicator on the panels and they often will show full strength, even when the panel is not connected to the Master (device does not report on-line in Studio/Telnet, "Connection Status" (channel 0:1, assigned to the left blue LED) indicator in the panel remains solid).
The panels were all set for Static IP addresses, all access points have the same SSID, SSID is broadcast is on, no security, and my laptop with Netstumbler shows good signals all over.
Did load an empty program into the NI3000 to avoid processing issues and disconnected any other ethernet connections, including the internet.
In my opinion the MVPs really need a WiFi upgrade and get with the current standards (G, WPA, etc.) so that the IT managers allow you to integrate them into corporate LANs, and hopefully resolve these kind of issues.
You can also activate MAC address filtering.
From time to time we have that WEP download trouble too, still with the same panel and WAP which has worked one day before. It's not reproducable in any way - crazy!
This is why I will prefer a good old CAT5 wire in some situations