DeBug window?

It seems that almost every time I initially go to open the debug window it won't open and after a couple of seconds of waiting I'll have to click start debugging again before the Watch Bar window opens. It's been like this from day 1 after loading NS3. Any one else have this problem? It's only somewhat annoying which is why I've never mentioned it before but if I'm not the only one maybe it should be put on the list of things to fix.
yes, but I've never really bothered to report it. I have a problem with click the mouse anyway and half the time it's probably me.
But, yes I've seen it.
The problem only presents itself if the watch list is closed using the close button on the watch window, but works properly if the debug drop down is used to start/stop the debug process and show/hide the watch list.
Like I said it doesn't really bother me that much but if they would correct this in the next update it would be appreciated.
I always use the hot key as well and never noticed this bug. Alt+B, Enter is your friend.