Draw or Plot On Panel
Might be a odd question, but is there a way to mark a 2 sets of x,y cords then issue a command to draw a line between them ? sort of SEND_COMMAND dvtp,'20,20,30,30,draw' ? I want to plot out the clients power usage / temp over a period of time. I could also line up a load of levels but that would be a bit messy to do a years stats.
Here is a link:
Add a | character at the end of the path and use chart.png for the file name.
There might be a way but I don't know how elegant it would be. You can change the size and position of a button so by resizing/moving it you can make it look like drawing a line across the screen. I would think using levels would be far easier though.
Cheers for the responses i will have a look at the google option, is there a limit on the number of levels for some reason i have 8 i my head but could be wrong.